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indigenous learning - francophone language

french language indigenous print resources

the following lc (library of congress) call number ranges are helpful in locating print resources. these french language resources are predominantly located on the 3rd and 4th floor of the library.  the e's are on the 3rd floor and the pq's are located on the 4th floor.

e 77- e99             indigenous history and culture
pq 1-3999            french literature
pq 3900-3919.3  canada, french canadian literature
pq 3919.2            individual authors or works

aid for finding books

when looking for indigenous topics in the french language, these spine labels may be helpful:

français/french label:  this label will help you to quickly identify books written in the french language. french resources in the class e 77 to e 99, indigenous history and culture, are identified with this spine label.
medicine wheel label:  this label helps to identify resources written by indigenous authors