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education (graduate)

what is qualitative research & how to find books

"qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials -- case study, personal experience, introspection, life story, interview, artifacts, and cultural texts and productions, along with observational, historical, interactional and visual texts -- that describe routine and problematic moments and means in individuals' lives."  (from, the sage handbook of qualitative research edited by n. denzin and y. lincoln, 2011 p3-4).  

each book in omni is assigned one or more subject headings to describe the subject content of the book.  if you do not have a title or author and are looking for books on a specific subject, you can enter a subject heading.  try these subject headings (using omni's advanced search option) for finding books on qualitative research:

  • qualitative research
  • qualitative research - methodology
  • education - research
  • education - research - methodology

if your search is on a specific type of qualitative research,  you can try these specific subject headings:

  • interviewing
  • storytelling
  • participant observation
  • action research
  • focus groups

be sure to select "subject heading" as the search type in omni's advanced search.

a selection of books on qualitative research

listed below is a selection of qualitative research titles (either print or online) available through the libraries at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .  click on the title to check on availability:

a selection of books on arts-based research

how to find qualitative research journal articles

to locate specific journal articles that discuss the findings of qualitative research you can combine these search words in your search:  

  • qualitative
  • action research
  • autoethnography
  • case studies
  • ethnography
  • ethnology
  • field study
  • focus groups
  • interviews
  • grounded theory
  • observation
  • oral history
  • phenomenology

 when you find an article, click on the title of the article and read the abstract to ensure that it is an article with qualitative research. 

if the article is relevant, review the subjects listed for additional search terms.