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constitutional law
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constitutional law
laws and cases
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law (general) research guide
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supreme court of canada
court of appeal for ontario
court of appeal - alberta courts
court of appeal - the courts of british columbia
court of appeal - manitoba courts
the court of appeal new brunswick
court of appeal newfoundland and labrador
the court of appeal - nova scotia
prince edward island - court of appeal
court of appeal - quebec
court of appeal - saskatchewan law courts
northwest territories courts - court of appeal
nunavut court of appeal
yukon courts - court of appeal
legislation - federal
canadian charter of rights and freedoms
consolidation of constitution acts, 1867 to 1982
the constitution acts 1867 to 1982
criminal code (r.s.c., 1985, c. c-46)
canadian bill of rights
legislation - provinces
ontario human rights code
alberta human rights act
human rights code - bc
the human rights code - manitoba
human rights act - new brunswick
human rights act - newfoundland and labrador
human rights act - nova scotia
human rights act - prince edward island
charter of human rights and freedoms - quebec
the saskatchewan human rights code
nwt human rights act
nunavut human rights act
yukon human rights act
tribunals - provinces
human rights tribunal of ontario
alberta human rights commission - tribunal
bc human rights tribunal
manitoba human rights commission
new brunswick human rights commission
newfoundland and labrador human rights commission
nova scotia human rights commission
prince edward island human rights commission
commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (quebec)
saskatchewan human rights commission
northwest territories human rights commission
nunavut human rights tribunal
yukon human rights commission
other resources
martin's annual criminal code
the us constitution
rules of professional conduct (the law society of upper canada)
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