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covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. this collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles indexed in sociological abstracts and social services abstracts. as well as hundreds of full text scholarly journals, the database also includes over 500 recent full-text doctoral dissertations on sociology.
multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences. includes index to dissertations and theses and conference proceedings and cited reference searching. coverage: 1975-
an online research product with more than 90 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format.
includes coverage from inception of more than 1,600 law and law-related periodicals, congressional record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the u.s. reports back to 1754, famous world trials dating back to the early 1700′s, legal classics from the 16th to the 20th centuries, the united nations and league of nations treaty series, all united states treaties, the federal register from inception in 1936, the cfr from inception in 1938, and much more.
also includes:
*selden society publications and the history of early english law
*scottish legal history: featuring publications of the stair society
*air and space law
*john f. kennedy assassination collection
*executive privilege
*business and legal aspects of sports and entertainment (blasÉ)