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selected journal articles

ahmed, wasim, josep vidal-alaball, joseph downing, and francesc lópez seguí. 2020. “covid-19 and the 5g conspiracy theory: social network analysis of twitter data.” journal of medical internet research 22(5):e19458. doi: 10.2196/19458.

alabdulla, majid, shuja reagu, and bushra elhusein. 2021. “impact of the covid-19 pandemic on mental health law in the state of qatar.” international journal of law and psychiatry 79:101748. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2021.101748.

alkandari, asma, joanna law, hashem alhashmi, omar alshammari, and pradeep bhandari. 2021. “staying (mentally) healthy: the impact of covid-19 on personal and professional lives.” techniques and innovations in gastrointestinal endoscopy 23(2):199–206. doi: 10.1016/j.tige.2021.01.003.

anon. 2020. “covid-19 as a global risk: confronting the ambivalences of a socionatural threat.” societies 10(4):92. doi:

bohoslavsky, juan pablo, this link will open in a new window link to external site, and rulli mariana. 2020. “assessing the gender-sensitivity of international financial institutions’ responses to covid-19: reflections from home (with kids) in lockdown.” feminist legal studies 28(3):311–19. doi:

caetano, rosângela, angélica baptista silva, ana cristina carneiro menezes guedes, carla cardi nepomuceno de paiva, gizele da rocha ribeiro, daniela lacerda santos, and rondineli mendes da silva. 2020. “challenges and opportunities for telehealth during the covid-19 pandemic: ideas on spaces and initiatives in the brazilian context.” cadernos de saude publica 36(5):e00088920. doi: 10.1590/0102-311x00088920.

caraballo, krystlelynn. 2020. “immigration, law, and (in)justice: coronavirus and its impact on immigration.” international criminal justice review 30(4):448–57. doi: 10.1177/1057567720951848.

chakraborti, r., and g. roberts. 2021. “learning to hoard: the effects of preexisting and surprise price-gouging regulation during the covid-19 pandemic.” journal of consumer policy 1–23. doi: 10.1007/s10603-021-09493-1.

chang, wen-han. 2020. “a review of vaccine effects on women in light of the covid-19 pandemic.” taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology 59(6):812–20. doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2020.09.006.

dal’bosco, eduardo bassani, lara simone messias floriano, suellen vienscoski skupien, guilherme arcaro, alessandra rodrigues martins, and aline cristina correa anselmo. 2020. “mental health of nursing in coping with covid-19 at a regional university hospital.” revista brasileira de enfermagem 73 suppl 2:e20200434. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2020-0434.

denning, max, ee teng goh, benjamin tan, abhiram kanneganti, melanie almonte, alasdair scott, guy martin, jonathan clarke, viknesh sounderajah, sheraz markar, jan przybylowicz, yiong huak chan, ching-hui sia, ying xian chua, kang sim, lucas lim, lifeng tan, melanie tan, vijay sharma, shirley ooi, jasmine winter beatty, kelsey flott, sam mason, swathikan chidambaram, seema yalamanchili, gabriela zbikowska, jaroslaw fedorowski, grazyna dykowska, mary wells, sanjay purkayastha, and james kinross. 2021. “determinants of burnout and other aspects of psychological well-being in healthcare workers during the covid-19 pandemic: a multinational cross-sectional study.” plos one 16(4):e0238666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238666.

di nicolai, paol, and elisabetta ruspini. 2020. “family and family relations at the time of covid-19: an introduction.” italian sociological review 10(3s):679-685,679a. doi:

eibensteiner, fabian, valentin ritschl, faisal a. nawaz, sajjad s. fazel, christos tsagkaris, stefan tino kulnik, rik crutzen, elisabeth klager, sabine völkl-kernstock, eva schaden, maria kletecka-pulker, harald willschke, and atanas g. atanasov. 2021. “people’s willingness to vaccinate against covid-19 despite their safety concerns: twitter poll analysis.” journal of medical internet research 23(4):e28973. doi: 10.2196/28973.

farrell, timothy w., leslie francis, teneille brown, lauren e. ferrante, eric widera, ramona rhodes, tony rosen, ula hwang, leah j. witt, niranjan thothala, shan w. liu, caroline a. vitale, ursula k. braun, caroline stephens, and debra saliba. 2020. “rationing limited healthcare resources in the covid-19 era and beyond: ethical considerations regarding older adults.” journal of the american geriatrics society 68(6):1143–49. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16539.

flanagan, emily w., robbie a. beyl, s. nicole fearnbach, abby d. altazan, corby k. martin, and leanne m. redman. 2021. “the impact of covid-19 stay-at-home orders on health behaviors in adults.” obesity (silver spring, md.) 29(2):438–45. doi: 10.1002/oby.23066.

golinelli, davide, erik boetto, gherardo carullo, andrea giovanni nuzzolese, maria paola landini, and maria pia fantini. 2020. “adoption of digital technologies in health care during the covid-19 pandemic: systematic review of early scientific literature.” journal of medical internet research 22(11):e22280. doi: 10.2196/22280.

hamadani, jena derakhshani, mohammed imrul hasan, andrew j. baldi, sheikh jamal hossain, shamima shiraji, mohammad saiful alam bhuiyan, syeda fardina mehrin, jane fisher, fahmida tofail, s. m. mulk uddin tipu, sally grantham-mcgregor, beverley-ann biggs, sabine braat, and sant-rayn pasricha. 2020. “immediate impact of stay-at-home orders to control covid-19 transmission on socioeconomic conditions, food insecurity, mental health, and intimate partner violence in bangladeshi women and their families: an interrupted time series.” the lancet. global health 8(11):e1380–89. doi: 10.1016/s2214-109x(20)30366-1.

huberfeld, nicole, sarah h. gordon, and david k. jones. 2020. “federalism complicates the response to the covid-19 health and economic crisis: what can be done?” journal of health politics, policy and law 45(6):951–65. doi: 10.1215/03616878-8641493.

javanmard-emamghissi, h., h. boyd-carson, m. hollyman, b. doleman, a. adiamah, j. n. lund, r. clifford, l. dickerson, s. richards, l. pearce, j. cornish, s. hare, s. lockwood, s. j. moug, g. m. tierney, and covid: harem (had appendicitis, resolved/recurred emergency morbidity/mortality) collaborators group. 2021. “the management of adult appendicitis during the covid-19 pandemic: an interim analysis of a uk cohort study.” techniques in coloproctology 25(4):401–11. doi: 10.1007/s10151-020-02297-4.

jennings, wesley g., and nicholas m. perez. 2020. “the immediate impact of covid-19 on law enforcement in the united states.” american journal of criminal justice: ajcj 45(4):690–701. doi: 10.1007/s12103-020-09536-2.

király, orsolya, marc n. potenza, dan j. stein, daniel l. king, david c. hodgins, john b. saunders, mark d. griffiths, biljana gjoneska, joël billieux, matthias brand, max w. abbott, samuel r. chamberlain, ornella corazza, julius burkauskas, célia m. d. sales, christian montag, christine lochner, edna grünblatt, elisa wegmann, giovanni martinotti, hae kook lee, hans-jürgen rumpf, jesús castro-calvo, afarin rahimi-movaghar, susumu higuchi, jose m. menchon, joseph zohar, luca pellegrini, susanne walitza, naomi a. fineberg, and zsolt demetrovics. 2020. “preventing problematic internet use during the covid-19 pandemic: consensus guidance.” comprehensive psychiatry 100:152180. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2020.152180.

lau, hien, veria khosrawipour, piotr kocbach, agata mikolajczyk, justyna schubert, jacek bania, and tanja khosrawipour. 2020. “the positive impact of lockdown in wuhan on containing the covid-19 outbreak in china.” journal of travel medicine 27(3):taaa037. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taaa037.

lenzi, francesca romana. 2021. “covid-19: rethinking global society.” italian sociological review 11(1):109–28.

magarini, federica maria, margherita pinelli, arianna sinisi, silvia ferrari, giovanna laura de fazio, and gian maria galeazzi. 2021. “irrational beliefs about covid-19: a scoping review.” international journal of environmental research and public health 18(19):9839. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18199839.

mcquoid-mason, d. j. 2020. “covid-19 and patient-doctor confidentiality.” south african medical journal = suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 110(6):461–62.

mercadante, amanda r., and anandi v. law. 2021. “will they, or won’t they? examining patients’ vaccine intention for flu and covid-19 using the health belief model.” research in social & administrative pharmacy: rsap 17(9):1596–1605. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.12.012.

millett, gregorio a., austin t. jones, david benkeser, stefan baral, laina mercer, chris beyrer, brian honermann, elise lankiewicz, leandro mena, jeffrey s. crowley, jennifer sherwood, and patrick s. sullivan. 2020. “assessing differential impacts of covid-19 on black communities.” annals of epidemiology 47:37–44. doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.05.003.

moreira, diana nadine, and mariana pinto da costa. 2020. “the impact of the covid-19 pandemic in the precipitation of intimate partner violence.” international journal of law and psychiatry 71:101606. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2020.101606.

nayyar, gaurvika m. l., joel g. breman, tim k. mackey, john p. clark, mustapha hajjou, megan littrell, and james e. herrington. 2019. “falsified and substandard drugs: stopping the pandemic.” the american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 100(5):1058–65. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0981.

odone, anna, daria bucci, roberto croci, matteo riccò, paola affanni, and carlo signorelli. 2020. “vaccine hesitancy in covid-19 times. an update from italy before flu season starts.” acta bio-medica: atenei parmensis 91(3):e2020031. doi: 10.23750/abm.v91i3.10549.

odriozola-gonzález, paula, álvaro planchuelo-gómez, maría jesús irurtia, and rodrigo de luis-garcía. 2020. “psychological effects of the covid-19 outbreak and lockdown among 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and workers of a spanish university.” psychiatry research 290:113108. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113108.

okuyama, junko, shuji seto, yu fukuda, shunichi funakoshi, shintaro amae, jun onobe, shinichi izumi, kiyoshi ito, and fumihiko imamura. 2021. “mental health and physical activity among children and adolescents during the covid-19 pandemic.” the tohoku journal of experimental medicine 253(3):203–15. doi: 10.1620/tjem.253.203.

osbourne, rebecca m., and samuel j. clark. 2021. “should the sars-cov-2 vaccine be mandatory for nurses? an ethical debate.” british journal of nursing (mark allen publishing) 30(2):116–21. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2021.30.2.116.

ponce, daniela. 2020. “the impact of coronavirus in brazil: politics and the pandemic.” nature reviews. nephrology 16(9):483. doi: 10.1038/s41581-020-0327-0.

raghunath, nilanjan, this link will open in a new window link to external site, and tony tan. 2020. “the impact of social stratification on morbidity during the covid-19 pandemic.” the international journal of sociology and social policy 40(9/10):793–806. doi:

rakedzon, s., a. neuberger, a. j. domb, n. petersiel, and e. schwartz. 2021. “from hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin: what are the anti-viral properties of anti-parasitic drugs to combat sars-cov-2?” journal of travel medicine 28(2):taab005. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taab005.

rehm, jürgen, carolin kilian, carina ferreira-borges, david jernigan, maristela monteiro, charles d. h. parry, zila m. sanchez, and jakob manthey. 2020. “alcohol use in times of the covid 19: implications for monitoring and policy.” drug and alcohol review 39(4):301–4. doi: 10.1111/dar.13074.

rodríguez-baño, jesús, gian maria rossolini, constance schultsz, evelina tacconelli, srinivas murthy, norio ohmagari, alison holmes, till bachmann, herman goossens, rafael canton, adam p. roberts, birgitta henriques-normark, cornelius j. clancy, benedikt huttner, patriq fagerstedt, shawon lahiri, charu kaushic, steven j. hoffman, margo warren, ghada zoubiane, sabiha essack, ramanan laxminarayan, and laura plant. 2021. “key considerations on the potential impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on antimicrobial resistance research and surveillance.” transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene 115(10):1122–29. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trab048.

smith, michael d., and dennis wesselbaum. 2020. “covid-19, food insecurity, and migration.” the journal of nutrition 150(11):2855–58. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa270.

smith, sherrill j., and sharon l. farra. 2022. “the impact of covid-19 on the regulation of nursing practice and education.” teaching and learning in nursing: official journal of the national organization for assciate degree nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2022.01.004.

stanzani, sandro. 2020. “trust and civic engagement in the italian covid-19 lockdown.” italian sociological review 10(3s):917-935,917a. doi:].

stogner, john, this link will open in a new window link to external site, bryan lee miller, and kyle mclean. 2020. “police stress, mental health, and resiliency during the covid-19 pandemic.” american journal of criminal justice : ajcj 45(4):718–30. doi:

tabatabai, shima. 2020. “covid-19 impact and virtual medical education.” journal of advances in medical education & professionalism 8(3):140–43. doi: 10.30476/jamp.2020.86070.1213.

tang, suqin, mi xiang, teris cheung, and yu-tao xiang. 2021. “mental health and its correlates among children and adolescents during covid-19 school closure: the importance of parent-child discussion.” journal of affective disorders 279:353–60. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.10.016.

tasnim, samia, md mahbub hossain, and hoimonty mazumder. 2020. “impact of rumors and misinformation on covid-19 in social media.” journal of preventive medicine and public health = yebang uihakhoe chi 53(3):171–74. doi: 10.3961/jpmph.20.094.

valent, peter, cem akin, patrizia bonadonna, knut brockow, marek niedoszytko, boguslaw nedoszytko, joseph h. butterfield, ivan alvarez-twose, karl sotlar, juliana schwaab, mohamad jawhar, andreas reiter, mariana castells, wolfgang r. sperr, hanneke c. kluin-nelemans, olivier hermine, jason gotlib, roberta zanotti, sigurd broesby-olsen, hans-peter horny, massimo triggiani, frank siebenhaar, alberto orfao, dean d. metcalfe, michel arock, and karin hartmann. 2020. “risk and management of patients with mastocytosis and mcas in the sars-cov-2 (covid-19) pandemic: expert opinions.” the journal of allergy and clinical immunology 146(2):300–306. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.06.009.

verbeek, hilde, debby l. gerritsen, ramona backhaus, bram s. de boer, raymond t. c. m. koopmans, and jan p. h. hamers. 2020. “allowing visitors back in the nursing home during the covid-19 crisis: a dutch national study into first experiences and impact on well-being.” journal of the american medical directors association 21(7):900–904. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.06.020.

wenham, clare, matthew kavanagh, irene torres, and gavin yamey. 2021. “preparing for the next pandemic.” bmj (clinical research ed.) 373:n1295. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n1295.

Žagar, mitja. 2020. “impacts of the sars-cov-2 virus and covid-19 pandemic on societies, sciences and minorities.” razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprasanja: treatises and documents : journal of ethnic studies (85):5–32. doi: