the cite it! tool, which you can embed into your internet browser, works in a similar fashion to zotero.
you can use it to save internet resources such as websites, videos, and journal articles, to myreadings. you can either add the new item directly to a course reading list, or to your general omni "my collection" area, and then later drag the item from "my collection" into a myreadings list for a course.
to install cite it!
step 1 - click on your name (or initials) within myreadings and select cite it!
step 2 - a new window will appear - click on, and drag, the cite it! button into your browser toolbar.
step 3 - while logged into myreadings in another tab or window, find an online item and click the cite it! button in your browser toolbar;
step 4 - an "add this to my collection" popup will appear, containing the details of the item;
step 5 - select the appropriate "type" for your item from the drop-down menu. if you do not choose a "type", the citation will not be saved. additionally, choose to either add the citation to either your general "my collection", or directly into a specific reading list for one of your courses.
n.b. if you are not logged in to leganto when you click the cite it! bookmarklet, a new tab will open to prompt you to log in to leganto. once logged in you will have to go back to your original tab and click the cite it! bookmarklet again.