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a guide for instructors, to the myreadings course reserves tool.

send your myreadings lists to the library


when your list of materials is ready, and you know that the library must perform some tasks to make your citations accessible, send your list to the library using the library review button.



you can also send sections of a list, or individual citations, to the library as you work on your list.

library staff will check each citation and perform actions to fulfill them - retrieving print items from the shelves and putting them on short term loan, finding the best permalinks for an electronic item, digitizing an excerpt from a print item, clearing copyright issues, etc. staff can communicate with you during the process using email or the librarydiscussion tools in myreadings. when the reading list and all of its citations are ready, library staff can notify you that your list is ready to publish - or library staff can publish the list for you.