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systematic and scoping reviews

crtiical appraisal

the following are points to consider when conducting a critical appraisal.

  • assess risk of bias
  • assess the validity of the study
  • is the journal article published in a peer reviewed journal
  • watch for predatory journals
  • is the methodology valid?

what is risk of bias?

risk of bias 

  • systematic error or deviation from the truth
  • different types of bias: detection, perception, selection, etc.
    • detection bias - may overestimate or underestimate the size of the effect
    • perception bias - researchers can make assumptions about their research subjects 
    • selection bias - occurs when participants in the study differ systematically from the population of interest
    • catalogue of bias - an annotated catalogue of types of bias in research


how do you ensure that there is no risk of bias?

  • risk of bias tools
  • use at least two reviewers