bibliographic database covering all aspects of native north american culture, history, and life coverage: works published from the 16th century to the present.
the indigenous studies portal (iportal) is a database of full-text electronic resources such as articles, e-books, theses, government publications, videos, oral histories, and digitized archival documents and photographs. the iportal content has a primary focus on indigenous peoples of canada with a secondary focus on north american materials and beyond.
combines full text and indexed content from all four cbca database subsets (business, current events, education, and reference). subject coverage is comprehensive and information is available from the broadest range of canadian sources anywhere. with over 4.5 million records and more than 1,665 titles coverage: 1971 - full text content 1985 –
bilingual resource to more than 400 english- and french-language journals, including more than 30 american titles dealing with north american and international issues. it provides both canadian and worldwide coverage of mainstream and academic periodicals, as well as 80 business journals. it includes some full-text titles. coverage: 1980-
a magazine produced by the inuit tapiriit kanatami which is the national representational organization committed to protecting and advancing the rights and interests of inuit people in canada.