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getting started with omni

relevance ranking

results are ranked using intelligent ranking technology: word match, value score, and word proximity

  • frequency of matching search words
  • a value score (query words in author, title, subject, plus date)
  • proximity of search words to one another
  • publication date (most recent)
  • search type (known item or topic search)
  • local records are boosted so they appear higher on the results list
  • at least one highly relevant item should appear in the first 10 results

you also have the option to "personalize" a search, by limiting results to specific disciplines. once you select a discipline(s), they remain in memory when you next select "personalize". 

personalizing your search

personalized settings allow users to boost the rankings of electronic records that match their preferred disciplines.

set up a personalized search

1. run a search in omni.

2. click the personalize button that appears above the list of results.

3. in the personalize the results dialog box, select up to five disciplines.

4. click personalize it.

screenshot of personalize your search in primo