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engl 1116-native and newcomer lit in canada

native and newcomer literatures in canada

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searching omni

omni can search five different domains:

  1. lakehead's physical and online resources
  2. lakehead's + omni libraries: adds physical holdings of the 18 partner university libraries
  3. lakehead's ejournals, articles, ebooks, etexts etc.
  4. lakehead's course reserves
  5. add results beyond: vast academic e-resources provided through the vendor's database. includes the following:


diagram of different materials types in omni

diagram of the different search scopes in omni
basic search tips: apply boolean operators to focus results
search tip example
and is assumed between words

happiness (and) productivity (and) workplace

quotations for phases "genetically modified foods"; "inclusive classroom"


or between related words

habitat or ecosystem

not to exclude terms;

 gambling not lottery
alternate word endings 

* for unlimited characters, especially used for word endings; cultur* for culture, cultural, and culturally

wildcard characters

?  for single character wildcard; wom?n for woman, women

brackets to group terms shakespeare (sonnet or tragedy); "climate change" (ecosystem* or habitat*) ontario
automatic search expansion

expands a search for some terms. option to limit by a term will appear.

adhd returns attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

heart attack returns myocardial infarction

nose bleed returns epistaxis

screenshot of automatic search expansion in omni