journal impact factor (jif) - calculates the average frequency that an article in a particular journal has been cited in the 2 years since its publication. based on web of science content.
eigenfactor - provides eigenfactor scores for journals based on jifs and article influence scores; this system sums all scores to 100 and provides an individual journal score that measures its influence
snip (source normalized impact per paper) - one of several indicators provided by leiden university; snip takes into account differences in citation practice between disciplines and also provides a stability index to show how the indicator varies over time for a specific title. based on data from scopus.
scimago journal rank (sjr) -also based on scopus, this ranking system weights citations based on the prestige of the citing journal - read more here.
altmetrics: scholars are used to traditional metrics like citation counts and journal impact factors - alternative metrics (altmetrics) are a suite of tools and measures that seek to define the influence and impact of a scholarly work in other ways which often includes social media.
plum analytics (ebsco): you can see plum analytics at work in searchitall.