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indigenous learning - indigenous authors; biographies; languages; & legends


library of congress call number ranges to explore:

ojibway        pm 851-854

cree             pm 986-989

inuktitut        pm 55

online resources

indigenous languages playlist

reference tools in the northern studies resource centre


anishinaubae thesaurus.  basil johnston.
north reference pm 852 j59 2007
ojibwe language dictionary.
north reference pm 853 s63 2005
the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 dictionary of literary plains cree.
north reference pm 988 w65 1998
a concise dictionary of minnesota ojibwe.
regional pm 853 n53 1995


cd's to help you learn a language. located in the northern studies resource centre.

other print resources - northern studies resource centre

ahaw, anishinaabem (ok, speak ojibwe)
b.jeff monague
regional pm 851 m66 2014

anishnaabe naadmaadwin mzina'igan (anishnaabe helper book)
regional pm 853 p84 1993
eshkintam nishinaabemang mzinagan. introduction to nishnaabemowin.
shirley ida williams.
regional pm 854 z9n25 2013
gdi-nweninaa : our sound, our voice.
shirley ida williams
regional pm 853 w55 2002
i speak omushkego cree
anastasia weesk
regional pm 989 z9j36 2003
nēhiưyawēwin : itwēwina = cree : words
regional pm 988 w66 2001 vol 1 & 2
nishnaabemdaa pane: let's talk indian always.
regional pm 851 c672 1990
ojibway language course outline for beginners. basil johnston
regional pm 852 j751
ojibway language lexicon for beginners. basil johnson
regional pm 852 j75
talking gookom's language: learning ojibwe.
regional pm 851 n57 2004


inuit language

introductory inuktitut
north pm 55 m262 1996
inuttitut ilinnialirta: let's start to learn inuttitut
north pm 55 m3 1992 vhs


another useful guide in support of indigenous languages