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indigenous learning - indigenous authors; biographies; languages; & legends

traditional stories - legends

working with stories: hermeneutics

hermeneutics: the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation.

the following titles of indigenous legends are available in the library collection:

1. auger, daniel. grandmother’s stories: how the earth and sky began. 2011. e 98 r3a93 2011

2. blondin, george. when the world was new: stories of the sahtu dene.  1990. e 99 t56b6

3. brass, eleanor. medicine boy and other cree tales. 1978. e 99 c88b84

4. brown, emily ivanoff.  tales of ticasuk:  eskimo legends & stories.  1987. e 99 e7t56 1987

5. brown, jennifer.  “the orders of the dreamed”:  george nelson on cree and northern ojibwa religion and myth, 1823.  1988 e 99 c88n44 1988

6. christopher, neil. unikkaaqtuat: an introduction to traditional inuit myths and legends. 2011. e 99 e7u585 2011

7. coleman, bernard, sister. ojibwa myths and legends. 1962. e 99 c6c64

8. deenik, j.  legends of grande cache and the yellowhead.  2002.  fc 3699 g66d44 2002

9. dene wodih society.  wolverine myths and visions: dene traditions from northern alberta. 1990.  e 99 t56w6

10. desbarats, peter.  what they used to tell about:  indian legends from labrador.  1969. e 78 l3m8

11. ellis, douglas c. atalohkana nesta tipacimowina = cree legends and narratives from the west coast of james bay. 1995. pm 989 s36 1995

12. elston, georgia. ojibwa stories and legends from the children of curve lake. 1985. e 99 c6g58

13. fiddler, chief thomas.  legends from the forest. 1985. e 99 c88f54

14. jenness, diamond. the corn goddess and other tales from indian canada. 1956. e 98 f6j5 1956

15. jenness, d.  myths and traditions from northern alaska, the mackenzie delta and coronation gulf. 1924.  e 99 e7j5m8 1924

16. johnston, basil h.  by canoe and moccasin: the native place names of the great lakes. 1986. e 99 c6j559

17. johnston, basil h. the manitous: the spiritual world of the ojibway. 1996. e 99 c6j562 1996

18. johnston, basil h.  ojibway ceremonies. 1982.  pr 9299.2 j72o3 1987

19. johnston, basil h.  tales of the anishinaubaek. 1993.  e 99 c6j564

20. kaiper, dan.  tlingit: their art, culture and legends.  1978.  e 99 t6k33

21. kappi, leoni. inuit legends. 1977  e 99 e7i385

22. kaplan, lawrence d. ugiuvangmiut quliapyuit/king island tales: eskimo history and legends from bering strait. 1988.  e 99 e7u37 1988

23. macdonald, john.  the arctic sky: inuit astronomy, star lore, and legend. 1998. qb 33 a7m32 1998

24. manitoba education and training. aboriginal peoples: resources pertaining to first nations, inuit, and metis.  2000.  e 78 c2m34 *contains a bibliography of aboriginal legends.

25. melancon, claude. indian legends of canada. 1967. e 98 f6m4413

26. mills, w. gordon.  legends of the mississaugas.  1992.  pr 9299 m66l5 1992

27. morriseau, norval.  legends of my people the great ojibway. 1965.  e 99 c6m8

28. norman, howard. where the chill came from: cree windigo tales and journeys. 1982. e 99 c88w547 1982

29. oman, lela kiana. the epic of qayaq: the longest story every told by my people. 1995. e 99 e7o42 1995

30. oquilluk, william.  people of kauwerak: legends of the northern eskimo. 1973. e 99 e7o65

31. overholt, thomas w. clothed-in-fur and other tales: an introduction to an ojibwa world view. 1982. e 99 c6o342 1982 c.2

32. peyton, john l. the stone canoe and other stories. 1989. e 99 c6p43 1989

33. redsky, james. great leader of the ojibway: mis-quona-queb. 1972. e 90 m67r3 c.1

34. reid, dorothy m. tales of nanabozho. 1963. e 99 c6r3

35. robesco, richard. director. legends and life of the inuit.  1993. [videocassette] e 99 e7l5

36. robinson, harry. write it on your heart: the epic world of an okanagan storyteller. 1989. e 99 o35r63 1989

37. salisbury, o. m. the customs and legends of the thlinget indians of alaska. 1962. e 99 a86s2 1962

38. steven, james r.  sacred legends of the sandy lake cree. 1971. e 99 c88s84

39. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 of summer course for teacher assistants, centennial college.  indian legends of eastern canada.  1969. e98 f6i49 1970

40. tales of the tom-tom: from the land of the sleeping giant.  1970.  e 99 c6l7

41. wallis, velma. two old women: an alaska legend of betrayal, courage and survival. 1993. e 99 k84w35 1993 c. 1


life histories

working with stories: life histories

life histories: compilations of biographies and autobiographies of indigenous peoples.

1. barkwell, lawrence j.  women of the metis nation.

2. carter, sarah and patricia a. mccormack. recollecting : lives of aboriginal women of the canadian northwest and borderlands.

3. castel, robert j.  speaking to the future : additional memoirs of the elders of pukatawagan.

4. cruikshank, julie.  life lived like a story : life stories of three yukon elders.

5. daigneault, denis l.  native leaders of canada.

6. diedrich, mark.  ojibway chiefs : portraits of anishinaabe leadership.

7. fournel, kelly.  great women from our first nations.

8. grant, agnes.  finding my talk: how fourteen native women reclaimed their lives after residential school.

9. jaine, linda and drew hayden taylor.  voices: being native in canada.

10. macewan, grant.  métis makers of history.

11. macewan, grant.  portraits from the plains.

12. manitoba aboriginal education directorate. profiles of aboriginal educators : footprints for the future.

13. marks, don.  they call me chief : warriors on ice

14. quan, holly. native chiefs and famous metis: leadership and bravery in the canadian west.

15. schilling, vincent.  environmentalists from our first nations.

16. schilling, vincent. great athletes from our first nations.

17. schilling, vincent.  great musicians from our first nations.

18. schilling, vincent.  men of courage from our first nations.

19. shorten, lynda. without reserve: stories from urban natives.

20. sigafus, kimberly and lyle ernst.  great writers from our first nations.

21. simon, sarah.  bridges in spirituality : first nations christian women tell their stories.

22. steckley, john. beyond their years : five native women's stories.

23. voyageur, cora j.  firekeepers of the twenty-first century : first nations women chiefs.



working with stories: discourse analysis

discourse analysis: a general term for a number of approaches to analyze written, oral, or sign language.  the following links provide access to local and national newspapers.

1. gateway to northwestern ontario history - for local & regional articles

the gateway to northwestern ontario history is a dynamic repository for photos, maps, newspapers records and other items of historical interest. material is collected through libraries, archives, museums, and individuals from across the northwestern ontario region. the gateway to northwestern ontario history is managed by the thunder bay public library.

2. canadian newstand major dailies - for canadian coverage

included are national and leading regional papers such as national post, calgary herald, edmonton journal, montreal gazette, ottawa citizen, regina leader post, vancouver sun and the victoria times-colonist.

overage: 1985 - current

3. wawatay news

wawatay native communications society serves the communication needs of first nations people and communities of nishnawbe aski nation. it does this through the distribution of a monthly newspaper, daily radio programming, television production services and a multimedia website that seeks to preserve and enhance indigenous languages and cultures of aboriginal people in northern ontario.

4. first nations drum

it is canada’s largest aboriginal newspaper, reaching communities all across the country. distributed to native bands, friendship centres, tribal councils, schools, colleges and universities, libraries, various aboriginal businesses and organizations from east to west.