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indigenous learning - indigenous authors; biographies; languages; & legends

indigenous biographies & autobiographies

titles suggested on il 1100 syllabus:

1.   barnett, donald c.               poundmaker
2.   buck, ruth m.                      voices of the plains cree
3.   blackman, margaret b.        during my time: florence edenshaw davidson, a haida woman
4.   brand, johanna                   the life and death of anna mae aquash
5.   campbell, maria                   halfbreed (1973 ed.)    halfbreed (1982 ed.)  halfbreed (1983 ed.)

6.   cruikshank, julie                  life lived like a story : life stories of three yukon native elders
7.   dempsey, hugh a.                my people, the bloods (mike mountain horse)
8.   dempsey, hugh a.                crowfoot: chief of the blackfeet
9.   dempsey, hugh a.                the gentle persuader: a biography of james gladstone
10. dempsey, hugh a.                red crow, warrior chief
11.  dobbin, murray                    the one-and-a-half men : the story of jim brady and malcolm norris
12. edmunds, r. david               tecumseh and the quest for indian leadership
13. enemikeese [pseudonym]     the indian chief : an account of the labours, losses, sufferings...
14. fidler, thomas & james r. stevens         killing the shamen
15. flanagan, thomas                  louis 'david' riel prophet of the new world
16. flannery, regina                     ellen smallboy glimpses of a cree woman's life

17. ford, clellan s.                       smoke from their fires : the life of a kwakiutl chief
18. freeman, minnie aodla           life among the qallunaat
19. french, alice                           the restless nomad

20. goodwill, jean & norma sluman         john tootoosis: biography of a cree leader
21-1. hacker, carlotta                     crowfoot (1977 ed.)         crowfoot (1999 ed.)
22. howard, helen                          war chief joseph
23. hungry wolf, beverley              the ways of my grandmothers
24. johnston, basil                          crazy dave
25. johnston, basil                          indian school days

26. kelsay, isabel thompson          joseph brant, 1743-1807, man of two worlds
27. kennedy, dan (ochankugahe)     recollections of an assiniboine chief
28. fire, john (lame deer) & richard erdoes        lame deer: seeker of visions
29. metayer, maurice                          i, nuligak
30. minde, emma & freda ahenakew      their example showed me the way : a cree woman's life
31. neihardt, john g.                          black elk speaks : being the life story of a holy man
32. smith, donald b.                           sacred feathers : the reverend peter jones (kahkewaquonaby)
33. steltenkamp, michael f.               black elk : holy man of the oglala
34. stevens, james r.                       great leader of the ojibway: mis-quona-queb
35. spradley, james p.                       guests never leave hungry: the autobiography of james sewid
36. taylor, fraser                                standing alone : a contemporary blackfoot indian
37. thompson, albert edward            chief peguis and his descendants
38. usher, jean                                   william duncan of metlakatla : a victorian missionary in british columbia
39. vanderburgh, rosamond m.         i am nokomis, too : the biography of verna patronella johnston
40. whitehead, ruth holmes              tracking doctor lonecloud : showman to legend keeper

41. winter, keith                                  shananditti : the last of the beothucks

additional biographies & autobiographies

the following titles are additional biographies and autobiographies of indigenous peoples of north america:

1. agger, helen                                    following nimishoomis: the trout lake history of dedibaayaanimanook
2. barker, george                                forty years a chief
3. bartleman, james                            raisin wine: a boyhood in a different muskoka
4. belcourt, herb                                  walking in the woods: a metis journey
5. berens, william                               memories myths and dreams of an ojibwe leader
6. blondin-perrin, alice                        my heart shook like a drum: what i learned at the indian mission schools, nwt
7. boulanger, tom                               an indian remembers: my life as a trapper in northern manitoba
8. boyd, doug                                      rolling thunder: a personal exploration into the secret healing powers
9. canadien, albert                              from lishamie
10. carpenter, jack                                fifty dollar bride: marie rose smith - a chronicle of metis life in the 19th century

11. chacaby, ma-nee                            a two-spirit journey:  the autobiography of a lesbian ojibwa-cree elder
12. child, brenda j.                               my grandfather's knocking sticks: ojibwe family life and labor on the reservation
13. chute, janet e.                                the legacy of shingwaukonse: a century of native leadership
14. comeau, pauline                            elijah: no ordinary hero
15. copway, george                             recollections of a forest life or the life and travels of kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh
16. copway, george                              life, letters, and speeches george copway (kahgegagahbow)
17. cross, ronald                                  lasagna: the man behind the mask
18. crowshoe, joe                                weasel tail: stories told by joe crowshoe sr., a peigan-blackfoot elder
19. dempsey, hugh a.                           big bear: the end of freedom

20. dreque, drace                                  iliarjuk : an inuit memoir
21. evans, al                                          chee chee: a study of aboriginal suicide
22. flett, leonard g.                               from the barren lands: fur trade, first nations, and a life in northern canada
23. fontaine, theodore                          broken circle: the dark legacy of indian residential schools
24. friday, chris                                     lelooska: the life of a northwest coast artist
25. grant, john francis                          a son of the fur trade: the memoirs of johnny grant
26. gray, charlotte                                 flint & feather: the life and times of e. pauline johnson, tekahionwake
27. harper, joan                                     he moved a mountain: the life of frank calder & the nisga'a land claims
28. hays, ernestine                                blonde indian: an alaska native memoir
29. johnston, sheila m.f.                       buckskin & broadcloth: a celebration of e. pauline johnson
30. kaefer, florence                               back to the red road: a story of survival, redemption and love
31. keewaydinoquay                              cedar songs
32. keewaydinoquay                               keewaydinoquay, stories from my youth
33. keller, betty                                       pauline: a biography of pauline johnson
34. kinew, wab                                       the reason you walk
35. kirkness, verna j.                             creating space: my life and work in indigenous education
36. kirkness, verna j.                              khot-la-cha: the autobiography of chief simon baker
37. knight, robert                                    louis riel with profiles of gabriel dumont and poundmaker
38. louttit, ernie                                      indian ernie:  perspectives on policing and leadership
39. macgregor, roy                                chief:  the fearless vision of billy diamond
40. mactaggart, peggy                           god don't make no junk
41. marcle, lee                                        bobbi lee: indian rebel
42. mckirdy, margaret                             the colour of gold
43. mcneice, gladys                               the ermatinger family of sault ste marie
44. metatawabin, edmund                       up ghost river:  a chief's journey through the turbulent waters of native history
45. monture-angus, patricia                    thunder in my soul: a mohawk woman speaks
46. moran, bridget                                   stoney creek woman: sai'k'uz ts'eke
47. moran, bridget                                   justa: a first nations leader (life of a tribal chief)
48. nabigon, herb                                    the hollow tree : fighting addiction with traditional native healing
49. niven, jennifer                                   ada blackjack: the true story of survival in the arctic
50. o'neil, peter                                       i am a metis: the story of gerry st. germain
51. paquin, ron                                       not first in nobody's heart
52. pennier, henry                                   call me hank: a sto:lo man's reflections on logging, living, and growing old
53. powers, bob                                      shanawdithit: last of the beothuk
54. radison, garry                                   ka-pepamahchakwew: wandering spirit: plains cree war chief
55. radison, garry                                   fine day:  plains cree warrior, shaman & elder
56. robertson, leslie                               standing up with ga'axsta'las: jane constance cook and the politics of memory, church
57. robinson, helen caister                    mistress molly, the brown lady
58. salway, owen                                    the lonely search: the exciting life story of albert tait, a saulteaux indian
59. scofield, gregory                                thunder through my veins: memories of metis childhood

60. sellars, bev                                        they called me number one: secrets and survival at an indian residential school
61. sluman, norma                                   poundmaker
62. snowboy, harry                                   a voice from the wilderness: a cree shaman's story
63. standingready, cliff                             children of the creator
64. steltenkamp, michael f.                      black elk:  holy man of the oglala
65. stewart, w. brian                                the ermatingers: a 19th century ojibwa-canadian family
66. stonechild, blair                                  buffy sainte-marie: it's my way
66. sutherland, donna  g.                        peguis: a noble friend
67. tootoo, jordin                                     all the way: my life on ice
68. theriault, madeline katt                      moose to moccasins: the story of ka kita wa pa no kwe
69. thomas, earle                                      the three faces of molly brant
70. thumbadoo, romola vasantha           learning from a kindergarten dropout
71. thrasher, anthony apakark                 thrasher: skid row eskimo
72. treuer, david                                       rez life: an indian's journey through reservation life
73. tyman, james                                     inside out: an autobiography by a native canadian
74. vennum, thomas                                just too much of an indian: bill baker, stalwart in a fading culture
75. wachowich, nancy                              saqiyuq: stories from the lives of three inuit women
76. wagamese, richard                             one native life
77. washburne, heluiz chandler               land of the good shadows: the life story of anauta, an eskimo woman
78. whitby, barbara                                   [shanawdithit] last of the beothuk: a canadian tragedy
79. wilson, janet                                       shannen and the dream for a school
80. young, david                                       cry of the eagle: encounters with a cree healer
81. zapffe, carl                                         man who lived in 3 centuries:  a biographic reconstruction of the life of kahbe nagwi wens