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indigenous learning - residential schools history / indigenous education pedagogy

online index to rg 10 - residential school files

rg 10 - residential schools tutorial

rg 10 - historical records created by the department of indian affairs and northern development canada (& its predecessors)
short tutorial.

online access to inac annual reports

inac annual report - sessional papers

to find the government of canada sessional papers (contain inac annual reports):

  • sessional papers are reports and papers which have been tabled in the house of commons (and sometimes the senate) and deposited with the clerk.
  • print copies are located at: j 103 h6 chancellor paterson library 5th floor (hallway outside northern studies centre)
  • sessional papers of the dominion of canada 1867-1924 include reports of departments, commissiions and business institutions, statistics, foreign affairs documents, maps and other documents of historical significance.
  • since 1930, all sessional papers, including department annual reports, have been published individually under separate cover.

indian affairs annual reports (1864-1990)