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3d scanning

what is 3d scanning?

3d scanning is the process of creating a digital model from a physical object. 3d scanning can be used to replicate objects.

the 3d scanning software is capable of meshing consecutive scanned images to form 3d objects. the final design file can be exported (.stl, .obj) for use in other software or a 3d printer.

learn more about 3d scanning

what size objects can be scanned?

using the turntable (provided):   200 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm (approx. 8 inches x 8 inches x 8 inches)

without the turntable:  1200 mm x 1200 mm x 1200 mm  (approx. 48 inches x 48 inches x 48 inches)

what type of objects can be scanned?

difficult to scan:

  • transparent objects like glass
  • shining or reflective objects
  • black objects
  • fuzzy objects

not recommended for scanning:

  • moving objects
  • hollow patterns
  • objects smaller than 30 x 30 x 30 mm