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psycinfo on proquest

this psycinfo guide provides useful information on the following: 

  • description of subject coverage in psycinfo
  • tips on advanced searching (narrowing/broadening your search, subject headings, etc.)
  • instructions for using my research (saving references) 
  • videos and tutorials to show you how

boolean operators

remember to use boolean operators between keywords or phrases to control how they are treated in a database. this applies to most databases, not just psycinfo.

boolean "and" diagram and

use and to narrow a search and retrieve records containing all of the words it separates, e.g. adolescents and children will only find records containing both these words.

boolean "or" diagram or

use or to broaden a search and retrieve records containing any of the words it separates, e.g. adolescents or children will find records containing adolescents only, children only, or both words.

boolean "not" diagram not

use not to narrow a search and retrieve records that do not contain the term following it, e.g. adolescents not children will find records that contain adolescents, but will not contain the word children.

subject terms in the psycinfo thesaurus


subject specific psychology terms are defined in the psycinfo thesaurus.  select the thesaurus link from the advanced search.

how and why to use the apa thesaurus