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makerspaces k-12

what is ozobot

ozobots are small robots equipped with a sensor. this sensor makes it possible for the ozobot to follow lines, but also read certain colour code combinations. each colour code combination will tell the ozobot how to move (forward, sideways, circular etc). a list of the possible code combinations are included with the set. it is possible to create your own code combination.

getting started with ozobot:

  • to turn on your ozobot you squeeze their ‘ears’. on one side there is a button that when squeezed will turn the little bot on.
  • the ozobot will need to be calibrated so that it can read the lines -- this requires pressing the power button until the bot flashes white. from there you place the bot on the black calibration dot that is supplied in the kit. if the ozobot is successful with its calibration it will flash green- if it is unsuccessful it will flash red and then from there it may have to be restarted or you can try again.
  • after it is successfully calibrated, you turn on the ozobot by pushing the power button. ozobot will drive aimlessly and can risk falling on the ground if not on a line.
  • multiple ozobots can be run on the same track. when your ozobot is beginning to loose battery it will move slower. to charge it, plug it in via the usb cable which is located at the back of the bot.