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hist 4851, introduction to archival studies

resources for accessing research and scholarship in archival science and archival studies.

texts and references

books for which there are required readings are available electronically through the library: 

  • required text: archives: principles and practices, laura millar, neal-schuman publishers, 2010
  • recommended: the future of archives and recordkeeping, jennie hill, ed, facet, 2011
  • recommended: better off forgetting: essays on archives, public policy, and collective memory, cheryl avery & mona holmlund, eds, university of toronto press, 2010
  • recommended: currents of archival thinking, terry eastwood & heather macneil, eds, libraries unlimited, 2010

more books are available at the chancellor paterson library for regular loan. some which might be of interest include: 

  • providing reference services for archives and manuscripts, mary jo pugh, society of american archivists, 2005
  • manual for small archives, small archives committee, association of british columbia archivists, 1988
  • controlling the past: documenting society and institutions, terry cook, ed, society of american archivists, 2011
  • archives power: memory, accountability, and social justice, randall jimerson, society of american archivists, 2009
  • archiving the unspeakable: silence, memory, and the photographic record in cambodia, michelle caswell, university of wisconsin press, 2014

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