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research guides
indigenous law resources
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indigenous law resources
books & ebooks
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metis resources
writing and citing
streaming media
indigenous cinema
database training videos
library video tutorials
indigenous cinema
nfb indigenous cinema
links to the nfb collection of indigenous cinema
curio - indigenous languages revitalization
one of several curio collections of documentaries focused on indigenous life & issues
curio - missing and murdered indigenous women
documentaries and news clips related to mmiwg. part of the curio collections.
curio - residential schools
documentaries, news clips, and other media related to residential schools in canada
the indigenous human rights podcast (pro bono 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 canada's indigenous human rights program)
"we're a group of law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 shining a light on the experiences of indigenous people at human rights tribunals across canada. listen and learn what it's really like to fight for your rights in the colonial legal system."
database training videos
library video tutorials
library video tutorials
need help finding items in the library? these short videos cover topics like searching omni, requesting print books, archival research, and more!
writing and citing