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hist 2510-americas to 1870

what are primary sources?

what are primary sources?

first hand accounts of events, written by someone who experienced or witnessed the event in question. they are considered to be scholarly as the information presented is original and has not been analyzed, interpreted or commented upon. 

examples of primary sources include: books, magazines and newspapers articles published at the time, hand-written documents like diaries and journals, speeches, interviews, letters, memoirs, diaries, autobiographies, government agency records, records of organizations, pubic opinion polls, photographs, audio or video recordings, research data and artifacts of all kinds like physical objects, furniture, tools, clothing etc.

primary sources according to geographic location:

canada - primary documents

africa - primary sources

latin american primary sources

united states primary sources

primary sources through center for research libraries

center for research libraries (crl)

crl has almost four million rarely-held books, journals, pamphlets, newspapers, archival materials, theses and other sources from all regions of the globe. because 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is a member of crl, you can borrow primary research materials and rare publications relating to diverse topics like medieval studies, african history, comparative laws, world war ii, etc.