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geography 2251

inquiry and interpretation

where are things in paterson library?

most of the library items you will use in this course will be in the paterson library.  within the paterson library, most books are on the 3rd and 4th floors. call numbers that begin with g are on the 3rd floor.

other locations of interest in paterson:

  • atlases are located on the 2nd floor
  • government documents are in the codoc and doc collections, also on the 2nd floor
  • print serials (journals) are on the 2nd floor - several geography journals have call numbers starting with g

what is a call number?

a call number is a code of numbers and letters that a library uses to organize items on a shelf.  the paterson library uses the library of congress classification system for the beginning of the call number.  most books about geography are in the g section.  here's a section from the outline.

the remainder of the call number consists of notation referring to the title or author of the work and the date of publication.  call numbers are found in the library catalogue (now omni) and on the labels affixed to the spines of books.