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the asme (the american society of mechanical engineers) digital collection provides unparalleled depth, breadth, and quality of peer-reviewed content:
asme’s journals from 1959 – present
asme’s conference proceedings from 2000 – present, plus select proceedings back to 1955
asme ebooks from 1993 – present, plus select titles back to 1944
access to over five million summaries of journal articles, technical reports, and conference papers and proceedings in all areas of engineering. coverage: 1969-
access to over five million summaries of journal articles, technical reports, and conference papers and proceedings in all areas of engineering. coverage: 1969-
access to 8,500 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals across 150 disciplines. coverage: 1975- and conference proceedings 1990-present.
information service for the research, development and educational communities in engineering and computer science. lakehead has access to collections 1 and 2.