learning for justice is a community education program of the southern poverty law center (splc) that cultivates and nurtures dialogue, learning, reflection and action from those closest to and harmed most by injustices in the south.
mediasmarts has been developing digital media literacy programs and resources for canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. our work falls into three main areas: education, public awareness, and research and policy.
teachers who wish to emphasize the study of social issues in their curriculum face two challenges. first, the ontario secondary school curriculum is set out in a structured, fairly detailed and well-sequenced manner for most courses, however, there is no specific course that deals solely with contemporary social issues. as a result, teachers must find creative ways to infuse the study of social issues into the pre-existing curricular structure.
our focus is intentional, to eliminate anti-black racism and de-colonize the education system. we support parents as they advocate for their children, and navigate the education system. we act as a wrap around support by offering workshops, and educational tools to best protect our black children. k-12 and adult. excel spreadsheet with titles, organized by age & grade.