the council of ministers of education, canada (cmec) is an intergovernmental body founded in 1967 by ministers of education to serve as:
a forum to discuss policy issues;
a mechanism through which to undertake activities, projects, and initiatives in areas of mutual interest;
a means by which to consult and cooperate with national education organizations and the federal government; and
an instrument to represent the education interests of the provinces and territories internationally.
cmec provides leadership in education at the pan-canadian and international levels and contributes to the exercise of the exclusive jurisdiction of provinces and territories over education.
cmec is governed by an agreed memorandum approved by all members. a chair is elected every two years based on rotation among the provinces. the current chair is the honourable doug w. currie, minister of education, early learning, and culture for prince edward island. all 13 provinces and territories are members.
the pan-canadian education indicators program (pceip) draws from a wide variety of data sources to provide information on the school-age population, elementary, secondary and postsecondary education, transitions, and labour market outcomes.
pceip products include tables, fact sheets, reports and a methodological handbook. they present indicators for all of canada, the provinces, the territories, as well as selected international comparisons and comparisons over time.
the pan-canadian education indicators program (pceip) is an ongoing initiative of the canadian education statistics council, a partnership between statistics canada and the council of ministers of education, canada that provides a set of statistical measures on education systems in canada.
eqao is an independent agency that creates and administers large-scale assessments to measure ontario 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
’ achievement in reading, writing and math at key stages of their education. all eqao assessments are developed by ontario educators to align with the ontario curriculum. the assessments evaluate student achievement objectively and in relation to a common provincial standard. eqao is undertaking a multi-year project to move the provincial assessments online.