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education (graduate)

tools for managing your references


zotero offers an open access option for managing your references.  for information on organizing your references check out our zotero guide


it is possible to manage references found through omni, the library's new discovery tool for finding books and journal articles on all subjects.  within your list of references, you can "pin" any citation you would like to save to your account.   these pinned items will go to your "favourites" in your account.  within your list of saved items you can add "labels" to categorize your pinned references.  you can then retrieve your items with these "labels". 


mendeley provides another option for managing your references.  please see this chart which provides a comparison of zotero and mendeley. 

citation tools in article databases

many education articles databases offer a "cite" tool on their search results screen.  this tool will format your article information and format it in a citation style that you select (apa and mla are available styles).   

here is a list of education databases available through 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 library and the location of their cite tool:

cbca complete, eric  (proquest):  in your results list you can select one or more references you would like to cite.  on the light blue bar above your results, click on the link labelled cite.   it will format your results in the default citation style.  you can change the citation style. 

educationsource, teacher reference center (ebsco): click on the article you want to view.  on the right side are listed several tools.  click on the "cite" link.  you will be presented with the citation formatted in several citation styles. 

google scholar cite feature

every article in google scholar includes a cite option which will show you how to format your article in mla, apa and chicago format.

simply run a search and click on cite underneath the citation. a new window will open and you can cut and paste the citation into your document.