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education (graduate)

omni search tips

all books (print or ebook), can be found by searching omni (advanced search).  a complete search guide for using omni is available here.  

enter your search words in the main search box.  you can put quotation marks around a phrase and enter different concepts in different search boxes.

results are displayed using a relevancy ranking, but you can change this to display your results by newest date first.   change the “sort by” option to “date - newest” 

to limit your search results you can use the limiters on the left side of your search results screen. 

a few tips to filter your results: 

  • to limit your search to online, under “availability” select the “available online” filter. 
  • you can limit these results further by selecting a “resource type”. for example, if you are interested in an ebook, you can select the “books and ebooks” filter. 
  • to find print books available in the education library (thunder bay campus) only, select “thunder bay education library” under the “library locations” filter
  • to find books available in the education library (orillia campus) only, select “orillia education library” under the “library locations” filter


you can find books using information from the title, author name or subject keywords:

  • enter one word or multiple words from title (put quotation marks to enclose phrases; use * for alternate word endings)
  • for author, enter last name followed by first name or initial
  • use "advanced search" for combining search words and for searching with specific information (ie title, author, subject, isbn etc)

to find books on teaching a subject:

  • click on  advanced search, on the right of the search box 
  • in the “any field” drop down box, select “subject” and enter a subject word (ie mathematics).  follow your subject word with keywords study teaching (ie mathematics study teaching ; magnetism study teaching)
  • you can also enter a grade level (ie mathematics study teaching elementary; mathematics study teaching middle school; mathematics study teaching secondary)
  • when you find a book that is suitable for your topic, examine the subject headings, find one that best suits your topic and click for more titles.

newly added education research titles