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can't find the book/article you need in our collection?

use omni to place all requests for interlibrary loan materials. search for your item in omni (make sure you are signed in to place the request), and click on the "get it from another library" link.

see our video for more details.

more illo details and contact information

tutorials for cool search features

tools for brainstorming search terms

sometimes the hardest thing to do is figure out alternate search terms.  try some of the sources below to kickstart your chemistry research by thinking differently about your subject.

chemical abstracts - off campus

if you use chemical abstracts off-campus, you might run into a "this connection is untrusted".

you can bypass this warning by doing the following:

in chrome:

click on "proceed anyway"

in firefox: on "i understand the risks" on "add exception" on "confirm security exception"

in ie:

click on "continue to this website (not recommended)"

key article databases

other databases