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nexis uni company profiles

did you know that nexis uni (formerly lexisnexis academic) includes company profiles?

how can you view company profiles?

  1. go to nexis uni from the library home page under articles & databases
  2. click on the company info tab under "guided search" and type in the name of your company
  3. click on company profiles from the drop-down menu 
  4. click search

nexis uni company lists

you can also use nexis uni to generate lists of companies.

to create a list by geographic location:

a) nexis uni homepage - click the small "menu" link in the top left of the screen, beside the nexis uni logo.

b) choose the "company dossier" option.

c) at bottom of form, specify some geographic locations.


d) hit search

*small local companies will have little information. large public corporations will have more information.

