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indigenous learning - introduction to research

seven grandfather teachings - books

seven sacred teachings of white buffalo calf woman.

by david bouchard & dr. joseph martin
reg e 98 f6b74

the vision seeker

by james whetung
reg e 99 c6w465

the good path: ojibwe learning and activity book for kids.

by thomas peacock and marlene wisuri
reg e 99 c6p38

the mishomis book: the voice of the ojibway

by edward benton-banai
reg e 99 c6b44

rabbit and bear paws sacred seven (descriptive website)
by chad solomon
reg e 98 f6s655 (7 volumes)
vol 1:  respect
vol 2:  courage
vol 3:  love
vol 4:  honesty
vol 5:  humility
vol 6:  truth
vol 7:  wisdom

adventures of rabbit and bear paws
by chad soloman & christopher meyer
reg e 98 f6s654  (6 volumes)

vol 1:  the sugar bush
vol 2:  the voyageurs
vol 3:  true hearts
vol 4:  tall tale
vol 5:  bear walker
vol 6:  council of the animals

note: link is to volume 1. each volume must me searched separately.

the seven teachings of the anishinaabe - courage, honesty, humility, love, respect, truth, and wisdom.
by katherena vermette

by reg e 98 f6v47   (7 vols)

c - the first day: a story of courage
h - misaabe's stories: a story of honesty
h - singing sisters: a story of humility
l - the just right gift: a story of love
r - kode's question: a story of respect
t - what is truth, betsy?: a story of truth
w - amik loves school: a story of wisdom

note: link is to volume 1. each volume must be searched separately.

achieving aboriginal student success: a guide for k to 8 classrooms. (contains a chapter on the seven grandfather teachings)

by pamela rose toulouse
north e 96.2 t699 2011



the clan system

clan series

a brief history of the ... anishinabe clan system functions (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s59 1993
a brief history of the deer clan = wa wask kesh shi do diam (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s593 1993
a brief history of the bear clan = ma kwa do daim (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s591 1993
a brief history of the bird clan = benaise dodaim (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s592 1993
a brief history of the marten clan = wa bi zha shi do daim (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s596 1993
a brief history of the fish clan = gi-goon do daim (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s594 1993
a brief history of the loon and crane clan = mung do diam-a-ji-uk do daim (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s595 1993
visions of sitting eagle, ojibway nation (nsrc - 5th fl.) e 99 c6s599 1993

the medicine wheel - examples of titles in the collection

teachings of the seven prophets: the seven fires