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starting your search

where do you start?

  • nursing dictionaries - quick definitions of terms and concepts
  • nursing encyclopedias - more in-depth information about concepts, theories and methodologies.


book cover of the oxford dictionary of nursing 7th editionbook cover of encyclopedia of nursing research

not sure what keywords to use?

try using the mind map in credo reference!


screenshot of credo reference mind map for obesity

using medical subject headings is an excellent way of finding relevant articles for your topic.

how do you do that?



 use the emtree thesaurus, which features more than 70,000 preferred terms (all terms mapped to mesh terms)

emtree is the thesaurus of embase. emtree is a hierarchically structured, controlled vocabulary for biomedicine and the related life sciences. it includes a whole range of terms for drugs, diseases, medical devices and essential life science concepts.


use mesh (medical subject headings)



screenshot of keywords and subject headings

use and to combine terms

teenagers and eating disorders

use or for synonyms

teenagers or young adults or young people

which database should i use?


if you are searching for the full text of an article, look for the following:


  • undefined this icon will check if we have the full text of the article - if we don't, omni can check and see if other libraries have it. if you can't find it in omni, please fill out this form.
  • icon for pdf full text click on this to view the full text in pdf
  • icon for html full textclick on this icon to view the full text in html

you can organize your research by using the following:

  • cinahl - free account to save your searches, articles, and create alerts.
  • pubmed -  free account to save your searches, articles, and create alerts.
  • zotero - free tool to help organize your research and create an online bibliography.

need help?