begin:vcalendar version:2.0 prodid:-//springshare//libcal//en calscale:gregorian method:publish x-wr-timezone:america/thunder_bay x-published-ttl:pt15m begin:vevent dtstart:20220929t140000z dtend:20220929t150000z dtstamp:20220929t000000z summary:researching indigenous topics description:this session will be an introduction to conducting research on indigenous topics. we will look at research strategies that help identify useful books and journal articles\, as well as a review of pertinent primary source material. this workshop can be beneficial to all lakehead university 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 regardless of academic discipline\, in recognition of the university’s indigenous content requirement (icr). it will also be of great benefit to those majoring in indigenous curriculum.\n\n \n\nall are welcome! organizer;cn="trudy russo" categories: contact;cn="trudy russo" status:confirmed uid:libcal-3683729 url: x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy begin:valarm trigger:-pt15m action:display description:reminder end:valarm end:vevent end:vcalendar