begin:vcalendar version:2.0 prodid:-//springshare//libcal//en calscale:gregorian method:publish x-wr-timezone:america/thunder_bay x-published-ttl:pt15m begin:vevent dtstart:20221019t140000z dtend:20221019t150000z dtstamp:20221019t000000z summary:tools for web and social media archiving for research description:\nfor anyone doing internet-based research. how can we create reliable\, permanent copies of social media\, websites\, and other documents only found online? this 1-hour workshop explores tools you can use yourself\, and how you can make use of web archiving projects worldwide. (chrome browser recommended.) organizer;cn="sara janes" categories: contact;cn="sara janes" status:confirmed uid:libcal-3682328 url: x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy begin:valarm trigger:-pt15m action:display description:reminder end:valarm end:vevent end:vcalendar