begin:vcalendar version:2.0 prodid:-//springshare//libcal//en calscale:gregorian method:publish x-wr-timezone:america/thunder_bay x-published-ttl:pt15m begin:vevent dtstart:20211203t140000z dtend:20211203t153000z dtstamp:20211203t000000z summary:graduate student research strategies description:\nduring this 90 minute session\, we will introduce you to a variety of research strategies and library tools\, to help you succeed with graduate level research at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .\n\nby the end of this session\, you will be familiar with:\n\n- selecting databases\n- omni and interlibrary loan options\n- zotero citation manager\n- free research tools (unpaywall\, lazy scholar)\n- google scholar - pros and cons\n- lakehead knowledge commons & finding theses and dissertations\n- copyright - some things to keep in mind\n\n organizer;cn="alexis paulusma" categories:library contact;cn="alexis paulusma" status:confirmed uid:libcal-3644407 url: x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy begin:valarm trigger:-pt15m action:display description:reminder end:valarm end:vevent end:vcalendar