begin:vcalendar version:2.0 prodid:-//springshare//libcal//en calscale:gregorian method:publish x-wr-timezone:america/thunder_bay x-published-ttl:pt15m begin:vevent dtstart:20210128t143000z dtend:20210128t160000z dtstamp:20210128t000000z summary:active learning online - teaching commons description: \n\nactive learning online \n\n\n\nthursday\, january 28 - active learning online - 9:30 - 11:00 am. \n\n discover active-learning strategies that work well online to heighten student interest and engagement.\n\n \n\nplease register through libcal \n\nzoom link will be sent out the day before the workshop\n\nworkshop will be recorded\n\n \n\n \n\n organizer;cn="teaching commons" categories:teaching commons contact;cn="teaching commons" status:confirmed uid:libcal-3595224 url: x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy begin:valarm trigger:-pt15m action:display description:reminder end:valarm end:vevent end:vcalendar