begin:vcalendar version:2.0 prodid:-//springshare//libcal//en calscale:gregorian method:publish x-wr-timezone:america/thunder_bay x-published-ttl:pt15m begin:vevent dtstart:20201119t150000z dtend:20201119t163000z dtstamp:20201119t000000z summary:mycourselink/d2l quizzes workshop description:\n\nnovember 19th 10-11:30am: mycourselink/d2l quizzes workshop (adam humeniuk - teaching commons)\n\nthis workshop will take participants through the phases of creating and grading assessments in the quiz tool. topics will include:\n\n * setting up questions in the various formats\n\n * setting the timing settings of the quiz\n\n * setting up special access times for specific 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 writing at a different time or who are allowed extra time to write\n\n * previewing the quiz as the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will see it\n\n * viewing the results and statistics of the quiz\n\n * grading any questions that were not automatically graded\n\n * making the grades available to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 \n\nregister for zoom link (will be sent out the morning of the workshop).\n\nthe session will be recorded. \n\n organizer;cn="teaching commons" categories:teaching commons contact;cn="teaching commons" status:confirmed uid:libcal-3582488 url: x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy begin:valarm trigger:-pt15m action:display description:reminder end:valarm end:vevent end:vcalendar