event box
how to write a research data management plan
funders often ask that applicants create data management plans (as of spring 2022, the tri-council of canada will begin requiring dmps for some of its applications). a data management plan (dmp) is a document that outlines the tools and strategies you will use to manage the data of a given project. in this document, a researcher discusses where they will store their data, who will have access to it, how they plan to organize and structure this data, how they plan to preserve it after their project is done, and more. this workshop aims to be both 1) a practical introduction to creating a dmp, and 2) an overview of best practices in data research management. topics discussed include: how to choose an active data storage platform, balancing open data sharing with privacy issues, and more.
- date:
- tuesday, april 5, 2022
- time:
- 1:00pm - 2:00pm
- categories:
- library