阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 knowledge commons: recent submissions
now showing items 81-100 of 3664
effects of silvicultural intensity on jack pine density and quality 20 years post harvest
(2024)rising global timber demand necessitates exploring intensive silvicultural practices in canada. this thesis investigated how different silvicultural intensities affect jack pine stand density and quality at the sioux lookout ... -
recovery from bushfires in australia
(2022)this article will start from the 2019-2020 mega bushfires in australia and discuss issues related to the australian bushfires. therefore, this article will focus on research and discussion around three arguments: the harm ... -
comparison of deer browsing intensity of tree seedlings in open and fenced plots in southern ontario, canada
(2024)this study examined the intensity of browsing by white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) on tree seedling growth in wildlife management unit (wmu) 83b. the study was conducted in an island ecosystem that has regular ... -
assessing graphite precipitation mechanisms of the albany graphite deposit
(2024)graphite is recognized as a 'critical raw material' due to its strategic importance for diverse industries (e.g., steel, automobile, clean technologies). the albany graphite deposit, located west of hearst in thunder ... -
mechanical properties of black spruce wood subjected to different silvicultural treatments
(2024)black spruce is one of the most common commercial softwoods in northwestern ontario. its abundance, along with its physical and mechanical properties, make it a very important species for commercial harvesting. its ... -
components and impact of canada's wood pellet industry - a literature review
(2024)wood pellets are biofuels made from compressed wood fibre and they can be used to generate electricity or for heating applications. they are often produced from mill residues like sawdust and shavings. wood pellets have ... -
impacts of climate change on the monarch butterfly in ontario; a citizen science-based approach
(2024)the monarch butterfly [danaus plexippus (linnaeus, 1758)], is an iconic insect native to north america. this butterfly is a migratory insect that flies to an overwintering site in mexico every year. it is considered an ... -
development of photobioreactors and approach for large-scale production of marine algae chrysotila and nannochloropsis in inland environment
(2024)due to energy, environment, and food problems, research on microalgae is increasingly gaining attention. microalgae can utilize photosynthesis to synthesize and accumulate various valuable bioproducts such as lipids, ... -
a comparison of reports of fatal grizzly and black bear attacks in canada
(2024)the purpose of this study is to determine if there has been an increase in the number of fatalities caused by grizzly and black bear attacks in canada from 1990 to 2023, as well as to determine if the attacks were predatory ... -
describing the similarities and differences in songbird communities between harvested and wildfire-origin stands in northwestern ontario, canada
(2024)in ontario, sustainable forest management is mandated by the cfsa. natural disturbance emulation is viewed as method that improves sustainability in managed forests. however, few studies have attempted to measure the ... -
geochemistry and paragenesis of magnetite bearing gabbros from the mine block intrusion at lac des iles mine, northern ontario
(2024)the mine block intrusion (mbi) is a 3 km by 1.5 km tear-shaped mafic complex that was emplaced along with other mafic-ultramafic plutonic rocks of the south lac des iles complex (ldic) between 2,699 and 2,686 ma in the ... -
sustainable forest management: the potential impacts of underutilization in ontario crown forests
(2024)ontario has in recent history harvested a volume in cubic meters less than the volume available to harvest as dictated by the average allowable cut (aac). while harvesting more than the aac dictates is unsustainable and ... -
a comparative study of regional and cover type influences on carbon content in above-ground woody live biomass
(2024)this thesis provides an analysis of the influence of forest region, cover type, and species composition on carbon storage in above-ground woody biomass across boreal and great lakes-st. lawrence (glsl) regions. the plot ... -
exploring name-based bug detection in python
(2024)names of source code elements provide useful contextual information about the code and development tasks. prior studies leverage the similarity between the names of arguments and method parameters to detect bugs that are ... -
relating edna concentrations to brook trout abundance and biomass across varying spatial scales in northern ontario streams
(2024)environmental dna (edna) detection has been proposed as a potential method for determining the presence, abundance, and biomass of species within aquatic habitats. however, it is unclear what spatial scale(s) edna ... -
impacts of projected future temperature rise on the hydrology of neebing river, ontario
(2024)the projected future temperature rise is likely to change the neebing river's hydrology over the following decades. the changing hydrological patterns are expected to cause increased hydrological extremes in the city of ... -
advancing precision agronomy for minimizing production risk
(2024)farming in northwestern ontario faces unique challenges, including a shorter growing season, severe weather conditions, and limited infrastructure and support services. despite these obstacles, the region holds great ... -
enhancing en-route electric vehicle charging services with ai integration: a collaborative fog-based strategy for optimizing sustainable transportation
(2024)in the emergence of greener transportation, electric vehicles (evs) play an important role, expected to outnumber conventional vehicles in the near future. however, the installation of fixed charging stations (fcss) is ... -
ontario youth mental health literacy and social determinants
(2024)mental health literacy includes: recognizing mental health problems and illnesses; knowing how to locate accurate mental health information and professional help; risk factors and causes of mental health problems or ...