阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 knowledge commons: recent submissions
now showing items 781-800 of 3664
apparent competition and the differing effects of generalist and specialist predators on cervid populations
(2020)apparent competition is an important ecological function that has been extensively studied in wild cervid populations, but little is known about how to manage it or why some cervid populations are more affected by it ... -
comparing birch core plywood with traditional softwood plywood
(2020)plywood made with birch cores is an important product in the european union, and has potential to become an important product in north america. white birch in ontario is currently an underutilized species. this paper ... -
factors influencing mechanical properties of osb
(2020)with more and more buildings built around the world, osb is an important building material. learning about its properties can help people make use of the osb panel effectivity. in this paper, the author will examine the ... -
the whitesand river: an assessment of brook trout habitat suitability following mine site closure
(2020)the winston lake mine operated from 1988-1999 within the whitesand river watershed located near schreiber, on. operations resulted in releases of elevated cations and anions from tailings pond discharges above cleaver ... -
forest harvesting impacts on forested wetland forest ecosystem function – biogeochemical cycling
(2020)the wetland ecosystem is located at the interface of the atmospheric, terrestrial and water system. it is one of the most biologically diverse ecological landscapes on earth and one of the most important environments for ... -
using silvicultural treatments to control browsing levels of western red cedar on vancouver island (thuja plicata)
(2020)the forest practices code of british columbia act requires forest tree farm licence (tfl) holders and timber supply area (tsa) to have a sensible silviculture prescription that ensures licensees to replace harvested trees ... -
an investigation on the occurrence of the pathogen sirococcus conigenus infecting natural and planted red pine at the hogarth plantation
(2020)sirococcus conigenus is a pathogen common in forests of the northern temperate zone and is the causal agent of deertail disease or sirococcus shoot blight on red pine. this disease has been present on red pine at the ... -
agglomeration, adsorption and polymerization of hydrolysate components
(2020)biomass utilization has been drawn attention of governments and industries, as it is renewable resource. pulp and paper industry depend on woody biomass utilization system to get multiple products. however, it is also ... -
feature learning boosts network performance
(2020)features are an important part of machine learning. features are often the reduced-dimensional representation of input data, feature calculation, extraction, and fusion directly affect the final result of the network. ... -
student and teacher perspectives on choice theory as transformative education: an alternative secondary school context
(2020)alternative education suffers from a bad reputation. many people see these programs and schools as places where 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are considered to be “disruptive” or otherwise “deficient” in the eyes of mainstream education ... -
mighty girl: empowering girls through leadership development
(2020)many girls face a significant decline in their self-esteem during adolescence. however, there is a connection between the skills girls can develop in order to improve their self-esteem, and the development of a leadership ... -
long range ecological restoration plan for the lake of the woods using waterbird guilds as indicator species
(2020)this thesis explores a long-term ecological restoration plan for the lake of the woods area using waterbird guilds as indicator species to plan, adjust and minimize climatic affects in the future. in a time of rapid ... -
grazing intensity and carbon pools in soils, roots and forage plants on the thunder bay community pasture
(2020)this thesis explores carbon (c) storage in the forage plants found on the thunder bay community pasture (tbcp). plant tissues, roots and shoots, were collected from the tbcp and analyzed at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 using a ... -
effects of past grazing and trampling on soil nutrients at stanley hill bison, kakabeka falls, ontario
(2020)global studies indicate that ungulates can have negative influences on soil quality and directly affect soil nutrient availability. this thesis examines the effects of past cattle grazing and current bison grazing on ... -
a comparison between the sustainable management plans: the menominee forest vs. algonquin provincial park
(2020)this is a comparison between the sustainable management plans of the menominee forest and algonquin provincial park. the importance of this thesis is to underline the importance of the attaining the most sustainable means ... -
the effects of competition on underplanted juvenile white spruce in fill blocks in northern alberta
(2020)this paper examined the effects of competition on juvenile white spruce growth planted in the understory of lodgepole pine on a mixedwood boreal site. growth and success of planted white spruce seedlings were investigated ... -
towards marine tourism management recommendations for the wrecks of hms erebus and hms terror national historic site, nunavut, canada
(2020)over the last 25 years, climate change-induced increases in open water have led to a dramatic environmental and social transformation in the canadian arctic (dawson, pizzolato et al., 2018; johnston, viken et al., 2012). ... -
carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems in canada
(2020)agroforestry is a land management system which integrates forest management practices with agriculture, often using high-value tree species planted alongside crops to increase profits. agroforestry has the potential to ... -
relationship between glacial refugial range and genetic diversity in eastern north american conifer species
(2020)the aim of this thesis is to relate genetic diversity to the extent of glacial refugia in several important north american conifer species. refugial locations were hindcasted using maxent software with occurrence points ... -
determining genetic resistance to jack pine budworm defoliation in jack pine from different geographic seed sources across ontario
(2020)jack pine budworm is an outbreak insect that defoliates jack pine forests across canada. while it is a native species, the outbreaks can have severe economic impacts, such as loss of timber volume and increased risk of ...