阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 knowledge commons: recent submissions
now showing items 741-760 of 3664
teacher perspectives on community engagement in an international school context
(2020)this qualitative case study explores teacher perspectives on community engagement efforts at the international school of dakar (isd) in dakar, senegal. it examines how teachers define meaningful and reciprocal community ... -
permissioned blockchains for real world applications
(2020)blockchain technology, even though relatively new, has evolved rapidly in the past 12 years. bitcoin’s underlying technology - the first blockchain - was a public, permissionless, and completely decentralized network ... -
a comparison microplastics effects on atlantic cod (gadus morhua) and blue mussels (mytilus edulis)
(2020)this thesis explores the potential impacts that can occur in atlantic cod and blue mussels resulting from the ingestion of microplastic particles based on a review of previously published studies. this thesis summarizes ... -
the effects of plantation spacing on pinus resinosa wood density variation and managing for increased carbon sequestration
(2020)pinus resinosa is found throughout a large portion of eastern north america. dating back to the early settlement era, wood utilization has varied from solely infrastructure to bioenergy and carbon sequestration. although ... -
strategies to reduce the decline of wild bumble bees in north america: are they working?
(2020)bumble bees are major pollinators of the world’s agricultural crops and wild plants and, as such, play a key role in maintaining economic prosperity and biodiversity. the decline of wild bumble bees in north america has ... -
control measures of gypsy moth and the effect of sts modeling in canada
(2020)gypsy moths are an introduced invasive species which causes decline in oak and maple in southern ontario. in 1869 the moth was introduced into massachusetts by leopold trouvelot, whose mission was to start a silk industry ... -
potential factors that influence the silvicultural status of a stand based on its silvicultural background
(2020)the silvicultural effectiveness monitoring program is important in determining the silvicultural status of a stand. each stand can be classified as being a silvicultural success (ss), regeneration success (rs), or not ... -
remembering to remember shę́h niyohgwaihó’dę (our original instructions): a self-study on indigenous languages programming in six nations
(2020)this research portfolio investigates one aspect of the indigenous language revitalization/reclamation movement, which is indigenous communities’ and peoples’ reclamation over their formal education systems with hopes of ... -
the effects of soil compaction on the germination and growth of picea mariana and pinus banksiana
(2020)soil compaction has long been an issue for the forestry industry. soil compaction can reduce soil aeration, porosity and drainage, and restrict the growth and success of trees and other plants. the objective of this study ... -
the response of avian predator populations to forest tent caterpillar (malacosoma disstria; lepidoptera: lasiocampidae) outbreaks in ontario, canada
(2020)outbreaks of insect defoliators have broad ecological effects on forested ecosystems because they can cause extensive mortality in host tree populations. they also represent peaks in the density of food for specialist ... -
the impact of invasive thistle species on dynamics of cercopidae in the stikine-skeena region of northern british columbia
(2020)during the summer of 2019 i worked on suppressing invasive species spread in the stikine-skeena region of northern british columbia. i frequently observed invasive thistle species of the genus cirsium hosting abundant ... -
living in the plastic crisis: a study of student awareness & behaviour regarding single-use plastics on 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 campus
(2020)human induced plastic pollution is causing undeniable devastation among earth’s natural resources. as research concerning the crisis begins to progress, it is important that its data includes human awareness and behaviours ... -
the effect of bacillus thuringiensis serotype kurstaki (btk) as an insecticide on jack pine budworm in the 2019 northern ontario spray program in comparison to historical use
(2020)bacillus thuringiensis (bt) has been used historically as an insecticide by the ontario ministry of natural resources and forestry (omnrf) to suppress jack pine budworm populations in dense outbreaks. in some previous ... -
habitat composition and spatial response of white-tailed deer to forestry treatments in moose range, grand portage indian reservation, minnesota
(2020)moose (alces alces l.) have long been an important subsistence species are of great cultural value to the ojibwe peoples. white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus z.) have been implicated in negatively impacting ecosystems ... -
outplanting performance of pinus strobus, pinus resinosa, pinus banksiana, and picea glauca from different nurseries, and with different container types within algonquin park
(2020)understanding planting performance of seedlings is integral to the forest industry of canada. many factors are involved in the performance of the seedlings once planted in the field. factors include site conditions, planter ... -
the genetic diversity of eastern north american tree species as related to the extent of their spatial distribution during the last glacial maximum
(2020)the distribution of boreal and temperate species during the last glacial maximum (lgm) in eastern north america can have a significant effect on the genetic diversity of present day populations. here, i modelled the lgm ... -
effects of forest fire on watershed ecosystem
(2019)global warming has increased the frequency of forest fires and droughts, which have had a number of effects on the hydrologic ecosystems of watersheds`. therefore, the influence of forest fires on forest watersheds and ... -
mycoparasites and decay fungi: a study of their ecological interactions on wood blocks of betula papyrifera
(2020)decay fungi are an extremely important part of the forest ecosystem and provide essential ecosystem services including the breakdown of complex organic compounds and nutrient release. however, this important group of fungi ... -
the effect of tree size on the delivered wood cost in northern ontario
(2020)to determine the effects that tree size has on the delivered wood cost, data was collected from existing literature on: average tree size (m3), average off road transport distance, volume per hectare (m3/ha), logging chance ...