cytological studies of inonotus tomentosus
cytological studies revealed irregularities in the nuclear life
cycle of inonotus tomentosus. the mycelia was multinucleate and the
nuclei were found in groups of two to six. by the time the nuclei
reached the subhymenium most of the cells were binucleate.
chlamydospores were multinucleate and most freshly shed basidiospores
were uninucleate. the orientation of meiotic division in basidia was
oblique. spindle pole bodies (spbs) were observed but microtubules
were absent. postmeiotic mitosis occurred sometimes in basidia and
sometimes in basidiospores. binucleate spores were occasionally
the dna specific dye, 4'-6-diamidino'-2-phenylindole (dapi), was
used in this study. in some hyphal cells, germ tubes, and
chlamydospores, dapi-positive particles (dpps) were observed. the dpps
showed mostly a yellow fluorescent color. similar observations of
nuclear-like material were made with associated bacteria. the dna
material may be viruses or plasmids. ultrastructural studies revealed
some possible bacterial-like structures and mycoplasma-like organisms
in hyphae and chlamydospores. the nature and function of dpps were
- retrospective theses [1604]