evaluation of the efficacy off a compu-check-form for reducing computational and clerical errors on wais-r protocols
a systematic procedure for checking computational
and clerical components of scoring (compu-check-form;
ccf) was developed and evaluated for the wechsler adult
intelligence scale - revised (wais-r; wechsler, 1981).
senior undergraduates and m.a. graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
trained to score fictitious wais-r protocols. sixty
percent of the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
made errors and approximately
30% of the protocols contained errors. these errors
frequently resulted in iq discrepancies. most iq
inaccuracies were small, although 10% of the summary
iqs on protocols with errors deviated between 4 and 12
points. a subsample of the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
were also trained
to use the ccf. changes in error rates and corrections
to summary iqs also supported the utility of the ccf.
in a field trial, 6 of 7 practitioners who used the ccf
detected errors on 15 of 47 wais-r protocols selected
from their clinical files. methodological issues and
implications of the results are discussed.
- retrospective theses [1604]