electronic theses and dissertations from 2009: recent submissions
now showing items 241-260 of 1627
improving cataract surgery procedure using machine learning and thick data analysis
(2023)cataract surgery is one of the most frequent and safe surgical operations are done globally, with approximately 16 million surgeries conducted each year. the entire operation is carried out under microscopical ... -
floristic composition and functional stability of black spruce-kalmia shrub savannah
(2023)scope: in eastern canada, black spruce (picea mariana)-kalmia angustifolia forest revert into forest, or become kalmia heath, or kalmia-spruce shrub savannah (ss) depending on fire severity. my main research objective ... -
identifying mental health indices among indigenous and non-indigenous treaty three police service officers
(2023)background: police officers are essential frontline workers tasked with protecting our communities. they are susceptible to adverse mental health exposures, outcomes, and barriers to accessing supports, which may increase ... -
growing garden-based educators
(2023)garden-based learning (gbl) is resurging in popularity in reaction to a confluence of crises. these crises, involving social inequity, vast economic disparity, ecocide, and mass extinction, threaten human well-being and ... -
brook trout abundance and distribution at multiple spatial scales in lake superior tributaries
(2023)brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) populations and habitat conditions are adversely affected by anthropogenic impacts that could impact abundance and distribution of brook trout at different spatial scales. my goal was ... -
fire performance of timer-concrete composite floor systems utilizing cross-laminated timber panels with self-tapping screws as shear connectors
(2023)one of the main reasons that hinder more utilization of combustible material, such as wood, as the primary construction material in tall buildings is the required duration a structure must withstand applied loads under ... -
plant mixture effects on fine-root biomass and its functional traits
(2023)fine roots play a critical role in the uptake of soil water and nutrients and make a crucial contribution to the carbon pool through their fast turnover rate and subsequent decay. plant traitbased approach enables us to ... -
coping motives associated with affect, anxiety, and depression after cannabis use in young adults: an ecological momentary assessment study
(2023)background: many young adults report engaging in cannabis use to manage their mood, or affect, and psychiatric symptoms of anxiety and depression. previous research indicates that individuals may experience positive acute ... -
18f radiolabeling of epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor anti-cancer drugs for therapeutic outcome studies
(2023)epidermal growth factor receptor is a transmembrane protein with tyrosine kinase activity that plays a vital role in the proliferation, differentiation, and survival of normal cells. when mutations in this protein occur, ... -
autonomous surface vehicle for mechanized bathymetric surveys
(2022)this study evaluates the efficacy of an autonomous surface vehicle (asv) constructed from inexpensive consumer off the shelf components for suitability in surface-based bathymetry of large-scale tailing impounds found ... -
computational efficiency maximization for uav-assisted mec network with energy harvesting in disaster scenarios
(2023)wireless networks are expected to provide unlimited connectivity to an increasing number of heterogeneous devices. future wireless networks (sixth-generation (6g)) will accomplish this in three-dimensional (3d) space by ... -
mineralogy and petrology of the good hope carbonatite complex, marathon, ontario
(2023)the good hope carbonatite is located northwest of marathon, ontario (49° 02’ n, 86° 43’ w). it occurs along the northwest margin of the prairie lake complex. the objectives of this research are to characterize the carbonate ... -
detecting crohn’s disease from high resolution endoscopy videos: the thick data approach
(2023)detecting diseases in high resolution endoscopy videos can be done in several ways depending on the methodology for detection. one such method that has been a hot topic in the field of medical technology research is the ... -
federated learning framework and energy disaggregation techniques for residential energy management
(2023)residential energy use is a significant part of total power usage in developed countries. to reduce overall energy use and save funds, these countries need solutions that help them keep track of how different appliances ... -
exploration of contrastive learning strategies toward more robust stance detection systems
(2023)stance detection, in general, is the task of identifying the author’s position on controversial topics. in natural language processing, stance detection extracts the author’s attitude from the text written toward an issue ... -
advances in operations research models used in the gold mining industry
(2023)the topic addressed in this dissertation is a set of economically important operational problems in the gold mining industry that are solved using mathematical models of operations research. more specifically, the main ... -
process design and feasibility study of synthetic crude production by the combination of methane decomposition, reverse water gas shift reaction, and fischer-tropsch synthesis
(2022)in this dissertation, the conversion of co2 to gas-to liquid (gtl) products was investigated for the production of 30000 bbl per day syncrude. the gtl plant consisted of four main units: hydrogen production by catalytic ... -
psychopathology, cultural, and school difficulties among first nations youth
(2023)introduction: indigenous youth experience increased rates of psychopathology and school difficulties, compared to non-indigenous peers. literature suggests that psychopathology is associated with school difficulties among ... -
effects of macrophyte cutting on a whole lake ecosystem
(2023)macrophytes are of significant importance to aquatic ecosystems, generating primary production in nearshore environments and providing physical structure and habitat for organisms in the littoral zone of lakes. macrophyte ... -
dominance and competition: a giving-up density analysis of rank-based foraging decisions of small groups of confined bison (bison bison)
(2023)socially foraging animals such as bison (bison bison) modify their foraging behaviour based on social status and food availability to maximize individual fitness. winter feeding trials were performed on juvenile bison ...