development of a language model and opinion extraction for text analysis of online platforms
language models are one of the fundamental components in a wide variety of natural language processing tasks. the proliferation of text data over the last two decades and the
developments in the field of deep learning have encouraged researchers to explore ways to
build language models that have achieved results at par with human intelligence. an extensive survey is presented in chapter 2 exploring the types of language models, with a focus
on transformer-based language models owing to the state-of-the-art results achieved and the
popularity gained by these models. this survey helped to identify existing shortcomings and
research needs. with the advancements of deep learning in the domain of natural language
processing, extracting meaningful information from social media platforms, especially twitter, has become a growing interest among natural language researchers. however, applying
existing language representation models to extract information from twitter does not often
produce good results. to address this issue, chapter 3 introduces two tweetbert models
which are domain specific language presentation models pre-trained on millions of tweets.
tweetbert models significantly outperform the traditional bert models in twitter text
mining tasks. moreover, a comprehensive analysis is presented by evaluating 12 bert models on 31 different datasets. the results validate our hypothesis that continuously training
language models on twitter corpus helps to achieve better performance on twitter datasets.
finally, in chapter 4, a novel opinion mining system called onset is presented. onset is
mainly proposed to address the need for large amounts of quality data to fine-tune state-of-the-art pre-trained language models. fine-tuning language models can only produce good
results if trained with a large amount of relevant data. onset is a technique that can fine-tune language models for opinion extractions using unlabelled training data. this system is
developed through a fine-tuned language model using an unsupervised learning approach to
label aspects using topic modeling and then using semi-supervised learning with data augmentation. with extensive experiments performed during this research, the proposed model
can achieve similar results as some state-of-the-art models produce with a high quantity of
labelled training data.