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dc.contributor.authorgreen, vanessa demkowich
dc.description.abstractglue-laminated (glulam) timber has strong mechanical properties and is a great building material. it is composed of small diameter wood. there has been a shortage of large dimensional lumber for construction projects. glulam is the solution for this since it can be manufactured to have impressive dimensions and unique arches. glulam from nordic, a manufacturer in quebec was tested for density, moe and mor values. samples were cut from bolts and only the pieces that make up the glulam bolt were tested. the density was tested on 20 samples and a two-way anova was completed to compare the orientation (parallel and perpendicular) of the glulines and to compare the samples with adhesive to the clear samples (joint type). there was a significant difference in the orientation, parallel wood was a higher density. two-way anovas were also run to compare the moe and mor values for each glulam bolt, orientation and joint type. there were 80 samples used and no significant differences found. this can be explained due to the nature of glulam. it was the pieces that make up the beam being tested and there were many inconsistent defects (ex. knot size and frequency) throughout the samples. many defects are hidden within a glulam beam. as a whole product it is accepted that glulam is a strong, effective building material.en_us
dc.subjectglued-laminated timber (glulam)en_us
dc.subjectblack spruceen_us
dc.titlemechanical properties (moe and mor) of glulamen_us
dc.typethesisen_us bachelor of science in forestryen_us resources managementen_us阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 en_us

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