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dc.contributor.advisormomot, walter t.
dc.contributor.advisorbozek, m.
dc.contributor.authorpicard, christopher robert
dc.description.abstractpredictive models were developed to improve the understanding of stream-resident brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) populations and habitat in northwestern ontario, and to facilitate protection of stream-resident brook trout from the adverse impacts of timber harvest. geology-based models correctly predicted trout presence/absence in 75%-80% of streams studied in 1993. however, correct prediction rates declined to 50%-65% when these models were transferred to independent data collected in 1992 and 1994. combining data from all years produced models that correctly predicted trout presence/absence in 70%-80% of streams. univariate geology models were best at predicting trout presence (up to 85% correct predictions). one-third of the trout streams data had maximum summer temperatures >22deg.c , and thus are considered marginal. using the combined data, models with geology and climate variables explained up to 24% of the variation associated with stream temperatures. stream temperatures were negatively related to brook trout abundance in the combined data. stability of stream temperatures accounted for 25% of the variation in trout biomass (kg/ha). these models could be used by fisheries managers to implement current guidelines protecting brook trout habitat from the effects of timber harvest.
dc.subjectbrook trout ontario, northwestern.
dc.titlefactors that predict brook trout distribution, thermal habitat, and abundance in northwestern ontario streams
dc.typethesis of science阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜

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