international education week: welcome the world kick-off event

join us as we “welcome the world” for international education week! celebrate with 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 international as we kick off international education week (iew), an annual event that is celebrated by over 100 nations around the globe. the week is focused on strengthening the understanding of international education and celebrating its importance.
we invite all lakehead community members to come and see what's in store for the week.
join us in the agora for culture sharing, activities, trivia, music, popcorn, and photo fun! sign up for our global runway event on friday. visit our lui tables to learn more about international student services & the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 we support, global me programming, english language centre & ielts, international enrolment, and research. all are welcome to join us in the agora!