peer mentor event 2 - halloween haunted fort night at fort william

hello international peer mentors and mentees,
dont forget to join us for our 2nd peer mentor event where we get a taste of halloween celebrations through our haunted fort night event at fort william historical park. spots are limited! so hurry up and sign up now if you have not already signed up.
1. should have received atleast one dose of health canada/who approved covid-19 vaccine to take part in the october 16th trip and should be fully vaccinated with health canada/who vaccines to take part in october 29th event.
2. should be part of the fall 2021 international peer mentor program run by international student services.
世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are not part of the program and want to join the trip can email and will be added to a wait list if spots become available in case of a no show.