miijim noongom
miijim noongom ~ please join us for lunch!
wednesday, march 22nd, 2017 ~ 12 pm to 1 pm
aboriginal student lounge - sc0004
everyone welcome!!!
miijim noongom ~ please join us for lunch!
wednesday, march 22nd, 2017 ~ 12 pm to 1 pm
aboriginal student lounge - sc0004
everyone welcome!!!
join us for a free lunch!
thursday, march 21st ~ 12 noon to 1:30 pm
aboriginal student lounge - sc0004
everyone welcome!!!
*career information session with indigenous services canada will continue during miijim noongom.
miijim noongam ~ please join us for lunch!
thursday, september 20th ~ 12 noon to 1:30 pm
aboriginal student lounge - sc0004
everyone welcome!!!
please join us for a potluck lunch on thursday, february 26th, 2015 at 12 noon till 2:00 pm.
bring your favourite dish to share!
everyone welcome!
please join us for lunch with special guest allan downey, pphd, nak'azdli first nation.
dr. downey credits laurier for encouraging him to use the history of lacrosse to help re-empower indigeous communities.
movies for mental health
movies for mental health
aboriginal cultural & support services (acss) in partnership with the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (lusu) will host movies for mental health on tuesday, february 9, 2016 in uc1017 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
refreshments will be available. everyone is welcome to attend this free event!
art with impact hosts short film screenings and discussions at colleges and universities throughout north america to reduce the stigma of mental illness and encourage early intervention. we are fortunate to have them visit 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . the evening’s event includes a guided discussion of terms, viewing of three short films, and connecting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to accessible resources on-campus and within the greater community. following is the link to art with impact’s event page: http://www.artwithimpact.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=142
for more information, contact matt quick, vp advocacy, lusu at vpa@lusu.ca or yolanda twance, acss coordinator at acss1@lakeheadu.ca
on behalf of the national centre for truth and reconciliation (nctr) and the office of aboriginal initiatives at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , we are writing to extend an invitation to attend a community engagement session on monday, november 9, 2015 from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. in the faculty lounge (uc-1029g) at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
the national centre for truth and reconciliation (nctr) will be hosting a conversation on the centre and on the documents, records and photographs of the survivors of canada’s indian residential schools. the nctr houses all statements, documents and other materials collected by the truth and reconciliation commission of canada (trc). we are inviting the indigenous community in northwestern ontario to share their thoughts on how we might best approach and implement the review and release of these records for the purposes of research and education. our goals are to:
the director of the national centre, ry moran and members of his staff will be hosting this event. the nctr will be facilitating conversations on these documents and photographs across canada and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is delighted to be included as a partner of the national centre.
the community engagement session will give participants an opportunity to share their thoughts with the nctr on how these historical and contemporary records might be managed in a respectful and inclusive manner. all survivors and their families are being encouraged to attend the nctr community engagement session. please let other survivors know so they can join us as well. lunch will be provided.
please rsvp your attendance to ms. sheila pelletier-demerah, administrative assistant, aboriginal cultural & support services at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 at 807-343-8085 or acss@lakeheadu.ca.
as part of aboriginal awareness week; aboriginal awareness centre, pride central and sustainability initiative is proud to present the northern fire fashion show.
the fashion show is about identity, reuse and ethical manufacturing. it features fashions by shannon & ryan gustafson, elfarrow, ungalli, and dead end vintage.
models will be wearing these styles as well as expressing their own sense of style.
we look forward to seeing your there.
everyone welcome!
admission is free, and there will be door prizes.
tif northwestern coordinated learning access network (clan)
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and the offices of aboriginal initiatives recognizes the growing need for innovative and sustainable collaboration internal to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and externally among institutions and community training centres in order to provide enhanced employment opportunities for a diverse profile of learners, especially those considered “non-traditional”. this project will maximize the impact of existing resources, resolve existing duplication, and specifically target youth and young adults from remote communities presently attending 7 generations, oshki, dennis franklin cromarty (dfc) high school, sir winston churchill cvi, superior cvi, nipigon-red rock district high school, geraldton composite high school, marathon high school, the friendship centre, evergreen community centre in thunder bay, other educational institutions and those youth in thunder bay with no clear pathway to higher education. we are also considering those presently ‘caught’ in the justice system for non-violent crimes and presently on probation or parole. these young people require specialized attention and targeted program services to ensure they have clear access to education, employment and employers, community service partners, and the best fit for their educational, social and economic growth. indigenous people in the north have very different needs and aspirations when it comes to education and relevant urban transitions. their success requires putting in place a unique approach to ensuring educational opportunities are fully accessible, provide recognition of prior learning and skills development, and provide recognizable pathways they can navigate. too many youth and their parents face social exclusion, stereotypes, high-rates of incarceration, low expectations, and housing barriers. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and their partners will support a nw coordinated learning access network for education for non-traditional (not coming directly from hs, drop-outs, on probation for minor crimes, etc.) indigenous learners seeking higher education because there are far too many indigenous peoples without direct access to upgrading and post-secondary learning. right now, there is a stated need for skilled aboriginal workers, administrators and mining industry employees. lakehead and our partners will put into practice “applied research” that has delineated and confirmed essential elements to attract and retain young and ambivalent aboriginal learners. research demonstrates that “deliberate” mentoring, raising the academic bar, including relevant work experience in the intake assessment and taking a holistic approach are effective (tagliaferri, 2013) for under-represented learners. this two-year project will specifically target the needs and aspirations of those youth and adult learners who have come into thunder bay for education or workforce development and have failed to access existing systems. youth who have been incarcerated in thunder bay and are presently on probation or parole for non-violent crimes (for safety considerations of other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ), and those youth now on the street, with potential, but no clear access to education and/or trades training are now being identified and approached through the mcscs. we will partner to maximize access to and evaluation of youth (and adult learners) who are good candidates for our programs, as well as work force development & training so we can offer them diverse educational pathways. lakehead also anticipates inspired learners enrolling in university programming once they have completed broad-based community education, and understand how to access the academic system. the access network will require one full-time coordinator (or two part-time) depending on the partnership, to keep partners linked and informed of youth needing placement in academic and training settings across the region. our goal is to create a monitored network of educational supports accessible from any point to give underrepresented learners more opportunities for successful integration in work-force, trades training, engineering, science, environmental sustainability, resources management, business and economic development, and fully sustainable education and career pathways.
2. project objectives
the northwestern coordinated learning access project links regional partners and will improve the coordination of existing programs and initiatives for aboriginal learners. this project will deliver skills training or employment readiness supports across thunder bay and ultimately dryden, kenora, fort frances, nipigon red-rock, geraldton and marathon. we have already polled our potential partners and received letters of support and interest in being a part of this access network because we all feel the same pressure to ensure aboriginal youth and adult learners are given every possible opportunity to receive the training and education they need to join the workforce on positive terms and enhance their ability to build careers.
we know from experience that healthy adults are better guides when they understand their own inner needs and how negative experiences have impacted their own lives. in addition, to ensure a positive engagement and training reception process we are suggesting the program “on course” at http://oncourseworkshop.com/ be brought to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and be made available to the coordinated learning access network. this program builds empathy and emotional intelligence. we are determined at ai to make the very best of the funding we receive from mtcu to provide the kind of programming that will ensure the youth of this region have every opportunity and support that can be made available.
3. project need
we recognize that making education accessible means building the kind of bridge to learning, retention and success that underrepresented aboriginal learners want to cross. a study exploring foster youth and aging out defines youth engagement as, "involving young people in the creation of their own destinies," and suggest in social work practice this means, "genuinely involving them in case planning and encouraging them to advocate for themselves." this sentiment was best summarized by youth who said, "nothing about us without us” (stranger & shirk, 2004:260). we know fostering collaborative engagement with diverse partners is critical and listening to local and remote communities both on-site and off-site (community-based) is essential to a good understanding of where they want to go and how they want to get there. the “nw coordinated learning access network” will utilize inspirational knowledge and communication, experiential learning, and the application of cutting-edge youth engagement research (young wisdom project, 2006; allen, 2007; chettleburgh,2007; nakkula, et al, 2010; http://teenmentalhealth.org/resources/entries/transitions; oneca). our partners see the incorporation of public and corporate interests and supports as foundational to program success and sustainability. our goal is to be academically pro-active and apply existing research to the creation of accessible models of education and training for our most vulnerable and steadily growing aboriginal population – those presently living (and planning to stay) in remote communities, and those experiencing transitions and urban integration as well as the justice system in a negative way. the numbers of disenfranchised youth in thunder bay, kenora, dryden, nipigon-red rock, geraldton and marathon represent a large pool of potential employees.
4. project benefit
in thunder bay there is a recognized need to actively dispel negative stereotypes, build positive interracial relationships, and ensure recruitment and retention programming is revamped, redesigned, and updated to inspire and retain indigenous learners in every faculty. we believe participating in community-driven research, targeted academic goal setting, front-line worker training (on course), and interactive community exchanges between aboriginal youth and university 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will ensure our ability to contribute to building an equitable community workforce and mutually supportive educational opportunities across the region.
we have a wide variety of indigenous residents in thunder bay and in other “border” towns and cities across the north. indigenous families are coming into urban centres in a steady stream, and this is not likely to stop over the next decade. we know suicide rates are extraordinarily high, and youth dropout remains a continuing barrier to satisfying and well paying work. we cannot afford to ignore the high numbers of first generation learners and those without knowledgeable access to various educational possibilities, or, those who have encountered the justice system through non-violent charges such as substance violations, non-payment of fines, street fights, etc.
we have an obligation as educators to build a bridge over those troubled waters and give every indigenous person an opportunity to choose. this program will also work hard to inform and advise the larger public and engage them in “deliberate mentoring” with our own 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and faculty, as well as community partners, and support those taking next steps to integrating into thunder bay, finding housing, working on trades certification, and seeking fulfilling work.
5. community involvement
the vice provost (aboriginal initiatives) is a member of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 aboriginal governance council and reports regularly to this council, which has several community agencies, faculty and local groups on board. communication with the council will continue on a monthly and as needed basis. the learning network coordinator(s) will be mandated to ensure the development of an active communication strategy with all partners. once the work plan and draft model has been developed, a media launch will take place in northwestern ontario, which will be directed at all community partners and potential learners. the coordinator(s) will also be tasked with developing a user-friendly manual and tele-presence vehicle to ensure all pathways and partners to higher education are identified and engaged.
the vice provost (aboriginal initiatives) has already met with ministry representatives, the oshki director, the seven generations director, dfc, evergreen, mno, matawa, the fort william economic development director, nan deputy chiefs and economic development ceo, and representatives of confederation college. she will also meet with representatives of treaty 3 in the kenora and dryden area. we agree if we are not working together, we are not working well, and getting indigenous youth/adults into some form of education, no matter where they start, is what is most important. the lakehead aboriginal initiatives office will be a pivotal force in this initiative and will help to direct 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 into the most appropriate assessments and programming, while maintaining an open-door for continuing educational aspirations of all non-traditional and underrepresented 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 participating in and encouraged by the “learning access” project.